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What do you call a preliminary race for bears?

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 6:13 pm
by aka_fefi
A Koalifier.


Here's my prelim as it stands right now. I went with a professional design that goes along nicely with the TMCC website as is and then I made a fun, artsier version of the design as well. I think I prefer the more fun version just cause it's more visually interesting to me but I'll wait to see what y'all think before I commit!

Re: What do you call a preliminary race for bears?

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 7:11 pm
by Instructor
Oh God. That pun!


I too, like your fun design better. It feels more creative and artsy than your very professional first design. I think it's the extra color of the "taste the rainbow" splash in the back. I like the size of your top header. It functions to frame the content below and draw the eye to your navigation, which is easy to see and use. The bright background draws the eye and the fun font is very legible while also being very non-standard. Good work with the transparency on your bodycopy container. It adds visual interest and allows your fun background image to show through. It looks like this design should collapse nicely into mobile without too much fuss, too.

To me what it really needs are contrast and images, two things your first design does well. I'd make the top nav dark, like you did on your first one and maybe use the TMCC lime as a rollover or accent color. I'd also recommend putting in a bunch of photos. Maybe stock stuff of creative students at work, software screenshots, a fe TMCC lab photos, a campus photo or two, some student art hanging around, that kind of thing. Also, you may want to try different background splashes on each page. That'd add more fun and encourage people to explore.

Nicely done, Stephanie!

Re: What do you call a preliminary race for bears?

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 11:30 am
by Anayik
Hi Stephanie,

I like your second concept best. The first one is laid out well and totally works but the second one is just what the doctor ordered for the GAAMT site. We are, a visual arts program, after all. I love the use of white space in there still though. It's a strong composition. I think adding some imagery would really help to draw your audience in.

Re: What do you call a preliminary race for bears?

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 3:43 pm
by kmohara5190
Hi Stephanie,
I think I like your first design better, just because there is more going on and that draws my eye throughout the design. The only thing that I would change is the image on the homepage, I think if you lightened it a little it would make your design more bright. Good job!

Re: What do you call a preliminary race for bears?

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 1:57 pm
by it's_crysta
Hi Stephanie, I like you second design the best, I feel like it fits in more with what the ga&mt program is than tmcc stock image photos and having all that extra color is nice too.Good work!

Re: What do you call a preliminary race for bears?

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 10:05 am
by Krueckl
Nice job on both of your layouts. I think they both look professional and clean. I prefer the second one the best because of the artistic paint background. It adds to the theme of the graphic design program. I don't mind the that you used outlined font but I don't think it quite matches up with the font used for the navigation. The color combination of the bright background, white, black, and green all work really well together. I think this can end up looking really fun. Good job.

Re: What do you call a preliminary race for bears?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 4:12 pm
by Hamistani
Hello Stephanie,
I really like your second design! It's very eye appealing and easy to read/navigate The colors go very well together, and one can totally see that it is a GAAMT website. I would add images and add different paint splatters to the backgrounds. Great job!

Re: What do you call a preliminary race for bears?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 4:25 pm
by jacklyn_yamine
Hi Stephanie,
I really like that you wanted to show the artsier side of the program but I think, at least for the homepage, you should stick with an image of campus or students or something so that people know where they are when they visit the site and that it is associated with TMCC. Having said that I really like your first design and how you have the textual information slightly intruding into the image. I love that you aren't using a stark black color with the green, it's more of a darker gray, so there is still good contrast but not too much. I do think you could get away with lightening the light gray color you use for your nav even more if you don't want to use white.

Re: What do you call a preliminary race for bears?

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 3:38 pm
by ItsAllisxn
Hi Stephanie,

I really like both of your compositions! Both of them are completely different yet look really great! Both layouts are super simple and easy to navigate, and translate well to your mobile versions. Personally, I think I'm going to have to go with your first composition, but maybe incorporating some of the elements from your second design would be really cool. For example, maybe adding the background of the second composition onto your first one? That would help to separate the page from TMCC in general and give a sense of some design. Great job!

Re: What do you call a preliminary race for bears?

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 3:56 pm
by kendall_the_mann
Hi Stephanie!

Puns don't usually make me laugh that hard but I genuinely was not expecting that one lol.

Here's my favorite pun/joke as payment: What do you do when you see a Spaceman?

You Park, man.

ANYWAY, I really love both of your designs! They're both so different that it's hard for me to choose my favorite. I think if push came to shove, your second one is a bit better to me personally! I think the first is incredible, but in terms of advertising an Arts degree I think the second one does more to accomplish that. Awesome job!