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Project 4 Preliminary

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 7:43 pm
by Hamistani
Hello Everyone,
I've had a lot of fun coming up with designs for the GRC website.
For my first design, I wanted it to be creative, but I also wanted it to be easy to navigate. What I am hoping to do is make it scroll down to each page by using jquery. Meaning, when you click on a button, it will scroll down to another page with the information. I drew the sketch of Michael, and I am going to draw a sketch of Dan and Ron before the final is due. I do intend to add TMCC pictures on the other slides. I went with the green and gray design because of TMCC's colors, but I am thinking of doing different environments on each slide or changing the color. I'm still deciding though.

For the second design, I wanted a more traditional school website, where everything is easy to find but is informational.

Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 7:36 pm
by kmohara5190
Hi Heather,
I like your second design a lot, it is still easy to navigate, but has more visual interest. I think some buttons would look good in the design maybe at the bottom. Good job!

Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 7:04 pm
by estrellau
Hello ;)
I like both concept the colors work well together. I think I like the first set because I think it looks cute it looks like it has an illustrative theme. niiiice :mrgreen:

Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 9:09 pm
by Hamistani
If I were to change the color, this is what it would look like. I added the blue because Nevada's state colors are blue and silver.

Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 11:02 am
by Anayik
Hi Heather,

I love your first concept, it's unexpected and refreshing. And it's clean. I love the vector art/ illustrative feel for a graphics program...perfect. I wonder if adding a sun above the mountains might imply a "bright future" from attending TMCC...sorry I'm lame, but I do think it would look cool lol

Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 7:52 pm
by it's_crysta
Hi Heather, I like your first design with the mountains and tree pages, it's a lot more fun to use and go through than a normal layout. I think it might be nice to change the color of the sky and clouds because the gray looks a little dreary and that's probably not the message you want to send out. Great work!

Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 12:29 pm
by jacklyn_yamine
Hi Heather,
I love your first design and how is has a very illustrative feel to it. Those green mountains are perfect for representing the school and Nevada, I think if you wanted to incorporate some blue you could change some of the darker greens to be a more dark blue-green color. While I love the stencil-like type of font you chose, it does get quite thin in some areas, making it harder to read. Your instructor page with the oval frames is great, the sketch for each teacher and that oval shape give me a feeling of history and how long they have all been teaching in this program. Great work!

Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 12:59 am
by Mal-Festio
Hello Heather,

I really like the first concept. The greys and greens color scheme I think works very nicely. The mountain and trees are really cool elements are to have. Overall, I think the first concept feels like you put a lot of creativity into.

Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 1:54 pm
by Instructor
This post is going to be a regurgitation of our various conversations on your designs, but I figure I'd put 'em up for posterity and so the rest of the class can draw inspiration.

I prefer your first design to your second. I especially love the depth of your homepage. It looks like I could just go for a peaceful stroll along those misty mountains. Your type choice is very interesting as well. It's nonstandard, so it attracts the eye, but it's still plenty legible. And that misty sky provides plenty of contrast to show off all your navigation. It's easy to see and use. I find it very interesting that you're doing a different "environment" for each of your pages on your single page scroller. That should look cool. And those instructor cartoons! Hilarious. You too have been having too much fun with your instructor bios. Great margins too, on both your home page and your inner page. You're using proximity to create "content islands" and then letting your cool backgrounds do a lot of the heavy lifting. It looks like your design transitions between mobile and computer versions of your layout very smoothly, likely due to those excellent margins.

Make sure the baseline of your logo and the baseline of your navigation match. Aside from that little nitpick, the thing that really stands out to me is that it needs some example pics in it's body area. Pics of the campus, pics of students being creative, pics of student work etc. Just to let 'em know what they're getting into.

Nice work! I like it even better in the blue version 2.0

Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 2:34 pm
by kendall_the_mann
Hi Heather!

I love the illustration feel of your first design. It's very creative but still sleek enough to be seen as a college website. I think the only thing I could suggest is playing around with fonts, especially the one that says "Instructors" since it's just a little hard to read. Other than that though these are beautiful designs, really good job!