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Project 4 Preliminary

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 9:07 pm
by kmohara5190
Hi everyone,
I enjoyed making website designs for the TMCC website, but had a tough time with the color scheme. So, none of my designs are fine-tuned, and I am hoping to adjust some things for the final project. My first design I went with an easier to read, but less exciting layout that lists all the information. And for the second design I changed it up with the pictures and text to see how it looked, so there are more colors and shapes in these ones.

Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 2:50 pm
by Instructor
I'd say your first one is the better of the two, Kierann. It's very clean and professional looking. I especially like the identical depth header and footer. They make for a perfect framing device. They also make great areas for important information since they're so high contrast. It makse your navigation is easy to see and use. This whole design uses contrast pretty darn well, not just in the header and footer, but also through the content area as well. You've done a yeoman's job making TMCC's awful pea green work. It plays well with the pictures. One of the neat little touches is your occasional use of an orange accent color. It really stands out when you use it. Your images are well placed too. They reinforce your content and work well with your colors. They certainly do a good job of showing off the campus as well.

I do like your orange accent color. I wish you would use it in a few more places on your design. Don't center align your bodycopy, it makes it read odd. I'd recommend left aligning it and leaving center alignment for headlines, headers, drop quotes, and other pieces of type you want to highlight. Speaking of highlighted type, I'd recommend using a bolder type for your headlines and navigation. I think you can afford to shrink your footer type a bit too. That'll get you more margin. I'd also expand the little white outlined boxes around your Degree and Certificates type to give it a little bit of margin. You can also shrink your type slightly and get the same effect. Lastly I'd recommend showing some artwork and students working on computers in your stock photos. Show 'em what they'll be up to when they enroll.

Good effort!

Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 12:18 am
by Hamistani
Hello Kierann,
I really like the first design you have! It's very professional, easy to read/navigate, and the colors go well together. I also really like how you used pictures from TMCC on your website. Even though I really like your first website, I love the orange color you have on your second design. I would try to include this color somewhere in the first design. I would also left-align your body copy. Great job!

Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 11:05 am
by Anayik
Hi hi,

I agree with Michael in that your first concept is laid out really nice, and the matching header and footer add some depth that I wouldn't expect. It looks cool. I also think that bringing in a little more of that fun orange, maybe just as accents, could really make things pop

Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 7:57 pm
by it's_crysta
Hi Kierann, agreeing with others that your text should be aligned left, you should probably also get rid of the hyphens. I like the orange you added, it's nice not having the website be all white, black and green. Your layout is also really nice. Good work!

Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 1:46 am
by jacklyn_yamine
Hi Kierann,
I like your first design, it's such a nice layout and is definitely easy to read. The orange color in the second is not working well with the green for me. I like your single image across the top with the smaller image next too your body copy. However, for the body copy, I would left-align/justify the content as well as making sure there are no hyphenations. For your Degrees and Certificates page there seems to be a slight white border around your text, if you plan of keeping that I think it could work but put some space between the border and the text and again I would left-align the text for the Outcomes section on the page.

Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 9:09 am
by Krueckl
Hi Kiernan,
I think you did a great job with both of your layouts. I really like the first one the best. The navigation is clear and simple. I also like the title of the page with the background green box. It highlights it well and is visually appealing. The information at the footer pops out behind the dark background and is also easy to read. I like the way you organized the boxes for the degrees and certificates page also. The green and white backgrounds help the readers eyes move easily from box to box because the colors highlight it. Nice job!

Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 3:50 pm
by kendall_the_mann
Hi Kierann!

I really like your first design! I think the black header and footer does better to keep the pages contained, and I like that you use the tmcc green in a lighter way with the body of your website as compared to the borders of your second. Both of these are really cool layout wise though, awesome job!

Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 7:58 pm
by Mal-Festio
Hello Kierann

Both concepts look very good, I agree with the others in that the first one seems the strongest. I really like the checkered grid on the degrees and certificates page, but I'd probably get rid of that white stoke box in your green square that surrounds the text.

Re: Project 4 Preliminary

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 10:27 pm
by ItsAllisxn
Hi Kierann,

Out of your two concepts, I'm leaning towards your first one. It's very clean and easy to navigate, and definitely looks like it belongs to TMCC with the color choices and all. I like the subtle border with the gray box and the white background. Your design also translates well into your mobile design, and I like how you added social media handles at the bottom. I think that the text for the footer may need to be a bit smaller because I feel that it's competing with the body text right now. Other than that, great job!