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project 04 preliminary

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 10:29 pm
by sal_baraj
These roughs are still very rough and I still need to add buttons and effects. I either want to make it similar to what the website is now, keeping it simple and easy. Or giving it a modern look that will show the talent we have. If I do go with the modern look I want it to bey eye catching focusing on the school's colors and I want to make people want to read more about our program.

Re: project 04 preliminary

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 7:58 pm
by kmohara5190
Hi Sal,
I like your design, the shape adds visual interest to the website and makes it really eye-catching. The only thing I would add is a different color behind the navigation, TMCC name and logo so that it breaks up the green a little. Good job!

Re: project 04 preliminary

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 6:57 pm
by Instructor
Hm. I'm sensing a trend here. Here's another one that handles TMCC atrocious pea green really well. Good eye, Sal.

Your first design is the best one. I really like the interplay between your pea green main area and the grayscale image. It establishes a nice sense of contrast. And your mobile version is even better. You deployed a secret Nevada on us! Great use of shape to add visual interest. This whole layout, booth mobile and computer are chock a block with little touches that tickle the eye. One thing I appreciate about the image is that it's design focussed. Rather than just being a campus shot or something, it actually has to do with what students are going to be doing in the program. I generally like your typography. It's easy to see and read and helps with the contrast against the pea green.

I don't think you necessarily need the navigation buttons, though. I think some bold type in the same place would serve the same function. Also, watch the gutter between your headline, navigation and bodycopy on your mobile design. They're really pressing against each other. I think they'd look a little better if there was a little more room between the columns. I'd also line up your GA&MT text so that it's left edge lines up with the left edge of the bodycopy on your mobile layout.

Excellent work!

Re: project 04 preliminary

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 12:58 am
by Hamistani
Hello Sal,
I love your first design! It has great contrast, the fonts work well together, and the shapes you chose for the image and the green triangle are great! I really enjoy how you made the "Truckee Meadows" bold and the " "Community College" thin. It is a very visually appealing design. I agree with Michael with the navigation buttons, I might use a hamburger menu for the mobile design. Great job!

Re: project 04 preliminary

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 7:31 pm
by it's_crysta
Hi Sal, I really like your first design, the triangles are dynamic and fun to look at. I think it would be nice to line your text up with the diagonal side, it might help it fit better. It's looking good so far. Good work!

Re: project 04 preliminary

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 1:56 pm
by Krueckl
Hi Sal,
I really like your first layout the west. The colors work well together and it looks professional. I like the way way the colors and the picture are cut across the page. It makes the layout a lot more interesting to look at. The font you chose looks great also. You used a nice mix of white black and green for the colors, which plays it up. Everything is easy to read and I can see the navigation clearly. Looks great!

Re: project 04 preliminary

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 12:42 am
by Mal-Festio
Hello Sal,

The first concept looks great. The layout looks very dynamic. I think in the computer page, maybe make the body text a bit bigger because it feels a bit small.

Re: project 04 preliminary

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 2:05 am
by jacklyn_yamine
Hi Sal,
I think your first design is great, the second is too dark to me. I love the grayscale image poking out from behind the green and your use of different font weights for the different titles. For your body copy, I think it could use some more leading and be sized a little bigger in order to fill a little more of that empty space underneath, unless you plan to fill it with something else. Love those big navigation buttons on the side as well.

Re: project 04 preliminary

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 2:51 pm
by kendall_the_mann
Hi Sal!

I really like your first design! I think the sharp angles you used to divide the page works well to show tmcc since the mountains are a big part of the logo. I think if you incorporated the multiple diagonals throughout all your designs it would be really good. Nice job!

Re: project 04 preliminary

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 7:41 pm
by ItsAllisxn
Hi Sal,

I really like your first concept. The odd shape really makes for a fun and interesting composition to look at and it makes me want to read more. I think it's really creative how you made your navigation in a vertical layout like that, definitely unique from other layouts, but I think it really works well with the triangular shape. The black and white image does a great job on making that green pop out. My only suggestion is maybe making the TMCC text all horizontal so it gives more space for the GAMT text. Great work!