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Project 4, Preliminary Critique

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 7:30 pm
by Giselle
Hi everybody!
My name is Giselle, and these are my rough drafts for the GAMT website. I was stuck between a classy look and a fun, playful look. I am leaning more toward the fun design; it catches the eye more and goes with the theme of creative art. These rough designs answer the call to action because they include color, the current TMCC logo, all five required pages, and different layouts. Please let me know which one you find the most intriguing or what I can do to further into this project!

Re: Project 4, Preliminary Critique

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 2:26 pm
by LMisher
Hello Gisselle!

I think that you did a very good job on both pages, but my favorite is the GMAT page with the green text. It was very artistic and I can't wait to see how you will bring this to life, if it's chosen as your final website. Keep up the great work!

Re: Project 4, Preliminary Critique

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 11:25 pm
by chloecutter
Hi Giselle! I enjoy the darker background approach, and your organization of those letters looks very fun and expressive! I would struggle to code those letter positions, but I'm also very inexperienced, I applaud you for having it as an option.

Re: Project 4, Preliminary Critique

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 12:09 am
by Natuwu
Hi Giselle!
I really like your playful design! I think it would look great even if the text wasn't bouncing. I would suggest shortening your navigation a bit. You could possibly fit some of those categories in your inner page. Overall great job!

Re: Project 4, Preliminary Critique

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 9:12 pm
by Genevieve Dierenga
Hi, Giselle

I really like both but I feel like the idea of mixing the two would work really well creating a very organized and easy to follow design while still being extremely fun and having interesting fonts is a good idea especially with trying to keep of with the theme of PC I like how he in the dancing font, and it the top I like how organized the fonts are. Mixing the to would be a great idea.

Re: Project 4, Preliminary Critique

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 1:33 pm
Hi Giselle,

I like both of your design especially the second one. It looks fun and interesting. And you still keep nav bar clean and simple to follow. body text is contrast and easy to read. I like your font choices too.

Re: Project 4, Preliminary Critique

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:59 pm
by Instructor
Alright! Sign me up for that supervillain ransom letter one please, Giselle. That's the jam right there.

The design brings a smile to my face. I feel like it's going to ask me if I'd ever like to see my degree again. I love the non-standard font choice. It's still clean, but somehow zany. Everything is both easy to read and visually interesting because you used a non-standard font. And I love the ransom letter arrangement. Just bringing the utter asylum energy to this joint. And yet the rest of it is such a clean standard layout that having these page titles just exploding all over the place works that much more. I like the way you've shaded your background image. It really helps TMCC's truly hideous green pop off the page. Your navigation is easy to see and presumably to use and it makes for a great divider.

I think it's be cool if each page had a different background image (there are a lot of great TMCC campus photos) to help people know where they are and when the topics change. I also thing your computer home page content needs a little more margin from your page title.

Good work!

Re: Project 4, Preliminary Critique

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 7:59 pm
by CedarM
Hey Giselle,
I really like your designs, I think the first one is the stronger one. I really like the simple and elegant look of it! I think one thing that might improve it is to have the tmcc green featured in there.

Re: Project 4, Preliminary Critique

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 10:44 pm
by jillian_rodgers
Hi Giselle!

I absolutely love the energy in the second rough, it’s so unique and works to bring the whole website to life :) I love all the usage of green too!