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Project 1 Preliminary

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:41 am
by Hana_Mikie
Hello Everyone~

When designing my website, I wanted something simple yet aesthetic, and straight to the point. I wanted the theme to be soft to the eyes yet legible and easy to navigate. Since it's a personal homepage, I wanted to use cursive font for my name and for my "about me" to give it more personality whereas everything else that has important information is in readable font.

The two websites that inspired me:

The two websites with information about web design: ... n-website/

Re: Project 1 Preliminary

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 6:27 pm
by Instructor
I like your first one, Hannah. I think the contrast goes well with your headshot.

I'm always a sucker for good contrast and this one has it. However, it's not as stark as the typical black and white layout. You do a good job introducing color, both with the photo strips above and below your content and your headshot. The black and white matches the front of your outfit and your hair in your headshot. Nice synergy! I like your header and bodycopy typeface choices. They compliment each other well. Your headline script type also does a nice job softening up the rest of the design. Nice use of margins and proximity to group things together, too. I can see what belongs where, but it doesn't feel crowded.

I'd recommend making the sky strips on your computer layout run from the right edge of your headshot to the right edge of your container. Same with the top and bottom bars around your navigation. I think you'd got a typeface too many with your class info font. How does it look in a bolder version of your bodycopy font? I'd also left align the bodycopy paragraph on your mobile version for easy reading.

Good work!

Re: Project 1 Preliminary

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:35 pm
by Lhart
Hello hannah!

Both your designs work well, you just have to choose which you like best.

One thing I might say on either you choose is to play with your body fonts. The script handwriting is pretty and distinct, but to make it more creative and distinct looking you could change the body text a bit smaller and to a simpler more readable font. Right now i think theyre both fighting for who is more interesting looking.

Re: Project 1 Preliminary

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2024 12:22 pm
by david_wolstenholm
Hi Hannah,
I like both designs but I tend to like the website 2 design better. your use of the black and white contrast is spot on and I like your font choices as well. I especially like the phone version of this design and the vertical gray sidebars that frame your picture, it's a nice touch. The only thing I can see that might dress it up a bit is to play around with different fonts for the body copy, maybe something sans-serif.
Good job on this project, in my opinion.

Re: Project 1 Preliminary

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 10:15 am
by rebekah_stevenson
Hi Hannah,

I really like your first design. You’ve created a border to hold in your name and bio. The black background ties in with your black shirt. I really like the variation in type and how it is all still legible. Your second design has a lot of potential but the middle feels a little closed off.

Overall great job,

Re: Project 1 Preliminary

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 2:46 pm
by shasta_the_masta
I love the colors and imagery of the second layout, but the first layout suits the dark, muted tones of the image better. I think the first one would be a better fit. In your mobile design, I would keep all the body copy aligned to the left, as opposed to the center, because it’s easier to read.

Re: Project 1 Preliminary

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 8:10 am
by Luke_Nelson
Hey Hannah!

I like your first design more. I think that you breaking up some of the black background with pretty sky pictures is a good idea. I like that the picture of you is really big and fills up that space nicely. I also like the way your navigation is laid out. I think the main thing you need to work on is font choice. Maybe narrow it down to just 2 fonts that work well together.

Re: Project 1 Preliminary

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 5:46 pm
by Perchy
Hi Hannah!

I really like your second design! It’s very pretty and eye catching! Though I think you should use the space that’s available to you instead of limiting yourself to a mobile size on a desktop screen! It’s all very clean and It’s very nice to look at!

Have a great evening!