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Project01 Preliminary Work

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 4:08 pm
by luciyote
These two websites inspired me because they are more portfolio orientated websites than simple homepages, and since showcasing my work is key for the website I figured they were great inspiration!

These are my two roughs, I like my first rough but the second feels more modern.
I'd like suggestions on the typography, layout, and or color choices. Thanks!
Web version of rough 1
Web version of rough 1
lg_project01_rough-01.png (391.42 KiB) Viewed 56 times
Mobile version of rough 1
Mobile version of rough 1
Web version of rough 2
Web version of rough 2
lg_project01_rough_Artboard 3.png (1.58 MiB) Viewed 56 times
Mobile version of rough 2
Mobile version of rough 2

Re: Project01 Preliminary Work

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 7:03 pm
by Instructor
Oh, I like your second one, Lucio. That background photo adds such visual interest.

That image is well selected and says a lot about you. It also sets the design and color tone for the document. Because you've faded it back, it allows the other two visually interesting things to pop out against it. The first of those is your coyote-sona. I love his expression. He looks like such a smartass. And you can feel his playfulness because he's breaking out of the visual box the alignments between your bodycopy container and your navigation have created. The second visually interesting bit is your bodycopy container. It's bright white, shining like a full moon over the desert and immediately catches the eye. You balance it nicely with your navigation which is easy to see and presumably to use on your computer version. Nice color selection too. The oranges, the white, and the black all play well with each other and reflect the background image well.

On your mobile version I would enlarge all your buttons and stack them vertically as a series of rectangles that are the same width as your bodycopy container and align to it's edges. You want to make logo buttons large enough for non-precision fat fingertips like mine to use. On your computer version, move your logo and class info up a bit. They're a little tight to the bottom of your bodycopy container. Scoot your title name to the left a little so that it's left edge aligns with the left edge of your bodycopy text.

Good work!

Re: Project01 Preliminary Work

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:31 pm
by Lhart
Like Instructor, I prefer your second design. There is more depth and movement in the page.

Your buttons and such just need to be more well integrated with the background design and font choices.

I know your personality and designs are always super cool so I just want to see what it looks like soon!

Re: Project01 Preliminary Work

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2024 2:31 pm
by david_wolstenholm
Hi Lucio,
I agree with the instructor, your second layout is much more appealing to the eye and your use of color is perfect, I would change that.
The only thing I would suggest is maybe changing the shape of your body copy container to a circle to make it look like the moon to go with the wolf and night sky motif.

Re: Project01 Preliminary Work

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2024 12:18 pm
by Emily-Hudson
Hi, Lucio

I also like your second layout. It looks super clean and simple, while still showing character. I love your 'yote!

I'd play around with your 'about me' text, maybe making separate paragraphs or adding some bold/drop caps to give a bit more style.

This is me spit balling, but maybe some form of frame around your about me box/whole page? A flowy style similar to the whiskers of the coyote.

Great work!

Re: Project01 Preliminary Work

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 9:21 am
by rebekah_stevenson
Hi Lucio,

Your designs are very clean and easy to navigate. I really like your second design. It has depth, balance, shape, great use of color and is different from many other websites.

Great job,

Re: Project01 Preliminary Work

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 2:36 pm
by shasta_the_masta
I like the colors you used. I like the second design because it has a little bit more interest and I also like the background image.
The only thing I would fix is for the mobile design, it just looks like a shrunken down version of the desktop one. This may be hard for your audience to navigate because the buttons will be very small and close together on a mobile device. Try stacking the buttons on top of each other in the mobile and leaving them as they are on the desktop.

Re: Project01 Preliminary Work

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 11:27 am
by Luke_Nelson
Hey Lucio!

I like your first design the most. I think it is laid out in a simple, yet effective way. I like the colors that you have chosen to use. Using shades of the same color is a really smart idea. I also like your little logo guy above your name! The main thing I would change is adding the background of design 2 to design 1. I think having the mountains in the background of design 1 would really tie the whole thing together. Also, try to play around with different fonts. The fonts you have now aren't bad, I just wonder if there are other fonts out there that could add a bit more personality to your site.

Re: Project01 Preliminary Work

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 6:05 pm
by Perchy
Hi Lucio! I love the color schemes you use! It’s so cool to see the way you keep your own consistent branding in your works! On your second design I love how clean they are but I would utilize more of the space on the screen! I think the use of space is definitely better in your first design but still could use the space more instead of just leaving it for projects!

Have a good evening!