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Project One Prelim Work

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 5:07 pm
by kimnightingale
Hello GRC 175 friends! I found inspiration in the following sites

However, I did not really go with their vibes. I leaned more towards a scrapbook look for my first design, opting for some angled photos with tape graphics that I made. As you can see, I do not have a mobile layout for the second one, as I simply could not figure out how to make it work. Any tips on that front would be appreciated!

Re: Project One Prelim Work

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 7:14 pm
by Instructor
I concur with you, the scrapbook version is better. However, I still would have liked to have seen a mobile version for your second design.

The scrapbook one has a bit of a Dunkin' Doughnuts feel to it, and I'm kinda' here for it. I like your interlocking script headline type and your unusual sans-serif bodycopy. Both are out of the norm and all the more eye-catching because of it. It also works well as your navigation type. Your rotated images are fun too. It looks like they've been sloppily glued into your scrapbook here. That adds such a whimsical feeling and makes me smile looking at it. The orange and magenta play well together, especially your sherbet background. I can't wait to see the TMCC logo in either orange or magenta on this thing.

The big issue that needs to be addressed with the scrapbooking one is proximity. The objects in your computer layout are scattered hither, thither, and yon all over the display area. Bring them in close and lock them together and will improve everything. Use proximity to group like content together. If you need inspiration, look at your mobile design which is not so scattered. Make your magenta footer a little taller. Right now it crowds your class info type a little.

Not bad. Not bad at all!

Re: Project One Prelim Work

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:29 pm
by Lhart

I like your second layout. It gives more room to the info and photos most importantly. I youll probably want to save a lot of space and large photos for the projects, and space is always good.

The colors are pretty! all I might change is sizing of the headers, or desaturating your body text slightly.

Im exciting to see what you make out of this design

Re: Project One Prelim Work

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2024 2:15 pm
by david_wolstenholm
Hi Kimberly,
I tend to lean toward the scrapbook design. The colors are good, muted somewhat, and not overwhelming, The layout is really nice, but I think there should be a little more symmetry here. The typeface you chose looks great, and I like the initials logo.
I think the type in the footer should be a little larger and maybe bolder. But overall, A great job. And please remember this is only my opinion, I am not an expert at this.

Re: Project One Prelim Work

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 10:22 am
by rebekah_stevenson
Hi Kimberly,

I like both of your designs! I like the shapes and the shape sizes you used in the first one. The balance could be worked one but it is good. The second design has good use of color and I really like where you placed the orange headers. It's clean and easy to see what's happening. It is balanced. My suggestion would be to play with putting the header on the top on the right side and putting it on the left side (if that's where you want your readers to look first) right now my eyes go to the right then the left.

Great job,

Re: Project One Prelim Work

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 12:04 pm
by rena_w0327
Hi there Kimberly!

I adore your decision to make your website layout just like a scrapbook would or how people will pin photos on corkboards! It has me thinking you're interested in photography or like how memories/relatability can impact a viewers perspective when getting to know you from this home page! Though I think how you have the photos positioned don't lead well for the eyes on the page. Also I would of loved to be able to read a short bio about yourself!

Re: Project One Prelim Work

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 2:50 pm
by shasta_the_masta
I like the colors and contrast. I also love your initials at the top-center of the page. The first desktop design speaks to me more because there is more breathing room, and it seems more friendly. Also, be careful if you end up justifying the body copy on both sides because you could end up with “rivers” (if you already took Typography, you would know what I’m saying).

Re: Project One Prelim Work

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 7:28 am
by Luke_Nelson
Hey Kimberly!

I love how clean, yet personal your designs are. You were able to incorporate really warm and inviting colors into a very professional looking website. I also think that the font you picked for your initials along the top kicks ass. Very fun but still fits in the overall design. I think that fonts you picked were good in general.

I think the main things you need to work on is filling up some of the space. I think another pink/orange line on/near your navigation tabs would go a long way in establishing the different areas of your site. Also consider putting something on the left and right sides of your 1st desktop design. I don't know what you should put there, but it's a little empty at the moment.

Re: Project One Prelim Work

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 5:31 pm
by Perchy
Hi Kim! I absolutely adore the color scheme you chose it’s very fun and bright! I also especially adore your initials being used as a logo, it’s very pretty! I’d work on maybe using up more of the space on your screen! Obviously don’t force it but I think everything could stand to be a bit bigger, but I do love your use of negative space!

Have a good evening!