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Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 10:49 pm
by m1ggsart
Hello everyone!

These are my two preliminary roughs for project one. I gotta say I had a good time working on these. I mentioned on my introduction post. I am an artist, so that is the theme i decided for my two designs.
The first rough resembles a sketchbook with a little bio about me on the home page. I applied some filters to that photograph using Photoshop. The background has complementary colors. I'm using a decorative typeface with a chalk like texture for the navigation buttons as well as the welcome headline to match the sketchbook theme. The rest of the text has a more readable font (I still have to work on my bio) to make it easy to read.
The second design has a more professional or elegant theme with more readable typefaces. It is a bit more simplistic than the first design. This design is more organized in comparison to the first one. I tried different color combinations, but i believe white was the best choice (maybe).
I added a logo on both of my designs as well as links to my social network. Both designs have links to projects, resources/references, and home page. They both display some of my works with some level of opacity applied to them. The mobile versions are overall simple in comparison to the web browser ones. I made these roughs in Adobe Illustrator, so the final result might a but different when I begin working on Figma.

I found these two websites as inspiration. they are visually appealing, creative, professional looking, and look easy to navigate.

I didn't exactly looked for any resources websites. I was pretty focused on doing research and watching the resources videos on canvas.
Overall, the whole process was pretty fun. There is still a lot of work to do too. I will appreciate any feedback from everyone, so comment please.

Re: Project_1_preliminary

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2024 4:27 pm
by david_wolstenholm
Hi Miguel,
I really like your layouts, I think the second layout is the better of the 2. It is sectioned really well, your color scheme is perfect and I like your shield and pencil sword logo is cool. Adding your drawings is a nice touch to it and binds the whole thing together. I can find nothing wrong with this layout, so I have no suggestions or critiques for you.

Re: Project_1_preliminary

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2024 4:36 pm
by Instructor
Nice work, Miguel. I like your skeuomorphic sketchbook layout. It's got such great detail.

It does a good job attracting the eye to various important pieces of info. The most dominant part is probably your navigation, which is easy to see and use. I like your background images too. It looks like an imprinted x-acto mat or a wallpapered tabletop. The sketchbook that contains your main content looks good as well. I want to grab it and flip through it. I like the way you've placed art around your bodycopy somewhat haphazardly, like a proper sketchbook. It feels like you were jotting down your page content and started sketching as inspiration struck you. Your pencils make for good accents and framing devices to highlight your content and separate it from your navigation.

The blue in your header clashes with your green headline type. I'd recommend swapping it for something a little more neutral, or making your headline type white. I'd also add a little extra line spacing to your bodycopy. You may have a typeface too many as well. I wonder what it would look like if the class info was in your bodycopy font.

Nice work!

Re: Project_1_preliminary

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2024 9:02 pm
by Lhart
Hi Miguel!

Both are superb, but my favorite is the first!

The first layout feels more cohesive and like a journey. Very well designed!

The top banner sort of clashes though. It is your portfolio, and personally I would like to see the image and headline closer in size.

Re: Project_1_preliminary

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 9:34 am
by rebekah_stevenson
Hi Miguel,

Your first design looks very cool and shows who you are, is personalized, and is easy to navigate. Your second one is very mythical and seems less like an intro page.
Both are very interesting but I would pursue the first one, and suggest using different colors for your header that match your background.

Great job,

Re: Project_1_preliminary

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 2:40 pm
by shasta_the_masta
I love the concept of the first design, but the colors and fonts clash a bit. I think if you really wanted to do a sketchbook theme, maybe abandon the chalkboard font. It just reminds me too much of an elementary school brochure. And maybe try replacing the vivid colors at the top with colors pulled from the rest of your design.

The second design looks more professional to me, but it all depends on what kind of look you are going for.

Re: Project_1_preliminary

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 11:13 am
by Luke_Nelson
Hey Miguel!

I like both of your website designs, but I think that your second one is more interesting. I like how you presented your name above your logo. I like the splashes of color that you added to the top of the website. The main thing I would fix is the font. I think that the text in your navigational buttons is a little hard to read and a bit small. I would also consider adding another element to the bottom half of the design. The pictures you have now are good, I just think that you can add something and make that space a little more interesting.

Re: Project_1_preliminary

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 5:57 pm
by Perchy
Hi Miguel! I love your concept with the sketchbook paper as a background, and even more with your portrait as a drawing! I do think the blue and lime combination is very hard on the eyes and doesn’t go well with the browns and the colored pencils at the bottom!

Have a good evening!