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Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 11:39 pm
by Alexis_Z
These are the rough drafts I have made for this project. I am thinking about finding a better photo to use of myself, but for now this was the best I could find. At least I think the lighting of the photo fits the rest of the aesthetic of the web layout. I liked the design elements I had going so I wanted to try out a different layout idea for them and see how I felt. Still pretty unsure on some elements of it for sure, so would love any and all input! Also sorry this is being submitted late, I had some technical difficulties on my side, not to excuse it or anything by any means! It's entirely my fault still haha.

Here are the two websites I found inspirational!

This one I found did a really great job on portraying its message in a website format

This one provided some good overall inspiration for creating a portfolio website specifically

Re: Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2024 12:49 pm
by david_wolstenholm
Hi Alexis,
Both of your designs are good, they are very similar, but I like the second layout better. The color palette you chose works well and contrasts nicely, and your choice of fonts seems to fit the overall motif. I like the second design better because I think it is a little less busy, and the design transfers to the mobile design better. good job.

Re: Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2024 8:59 pm
by Lhart
Hi Alexis.
Both layouts have a strong vibe to them. If I was viewing your page it would feel like im enclosed, floating in an experience? Thats really good!

I think you just have to play with shapes and hierarchies more to create your best site!

Re: Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2024 12:09 pm
by Emily-Hudson
Hi, Alexis

I looove the colors so much on these!! Its giving a retro feel. The colors on your portrait sells the theme even more!

The second layout is looking to be the easiest to follow, and looks less cluttered than the first. I think making your contact, references, and project icons look more uniform across each other would benefit your layout. Those project buttons definitely could have some more depth/detail, maybe making the numbers on each bigger + a different color?

I love the fonts you're using! If the font you are using for your body copy has a thinner version, that might look a bit better creating more of a hierarchy within the 'About Me' box.

I love the path you're going with this and cannot wait to see the final product!!!

Re: Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2024 2:41 pm
by Instructor
Now that's a cool aesthetic there, Alexis. Very new retrowave look. Immaculate vibes. However, I'm not seeing two different designs here, but instead a rearrangement of one design. Of the two, I like the first one's computer layout and the second one's mobile layout.

I like the directional depth of the stacked boxes that contain all your content. It ads some neat visual interest. So does that rad 1980's vector stripe sunset background. It looks like the cover to a Trapper Keeper. Your whole color scheme is well selected and works well together. You've got good contrast all over your layout. Everything seems well laid out. My eye moves easily through both your computer and your mobile layout. Nice typography too. It mostly reflects the vintage 80's theme you've got going here. I especially like how your headline type ties into the sunset background.

You've got a couple of tight margin spots on your mobile layout. One is between the left edge of the "References and Resources" type and the box containing your name and the other is between your bodycopy and the edges of it's container. Increase the space between your name box and the "References and Resources" type and either shrink your bodycopy slightly or expand the container slightly and you'll be right as rain. Also, use your bolder bodycopy type for your class info so it's more visible.

Good work!

Re: Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2024 5:14 pm
by m1ggsart

Both designs are pretty cool, nice colors, and good navigation. They look pretty dynamic with a lot of personality. However, I do believe your second one works better. It is more organized, and easier to navigate. You positioned the TMCC logo in a good spot. Just be careful with your margins. Your type is pretty close to the edges. Overall, your design looks cool. Im sure the final design will look amazing!

Re: Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 9:10 am
by rebekah_stevenson
Hi Alexis,

I really like the stylization of both of these. It’s very personalized! I like the mobile version of your first one, it’s very easy to read and you did a great job of establishing hierarchy. I suggest establishing this same flow on your web version. It's a bit hard to read and hard to know where to start looking because both the projects and contact/ reference icons are the same size.
Your second design has great use of shape and hierarchy. It is easy to read but still very stylized.
Last thing to note, your name is a little hard to read but it does look cool, so do with that what you will.

Great job,

Re: Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 2:34 pm
by shasta_the_masta
This looks so cool and creative! I love the use of colors and graphics; they are very fun. I like the second layout because it has an alignment that is a little more appealing to the eye. In the first one, I feel like my eye is jumping back and forth too much and the second one flows better.
The only thing I would improve is giving your body copy more room to breathe inside that rectangle by adding more space between the two.

Re: Project 1 Prelim

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 3:58 pm
by Perchy
Hi Alexis!

I really enjoy the colors and vibes you achieved here. I prefer the second set of layouts its a lot cleaner and doesn't lead your eye around in a confusing path like the first one. I'd love to see more repetition of the lightning bolts and chevrons to pull it all together, maybe add them to the background, or drop them like you did in your second mobile layout. The colors attract the eyes first and I don't know if you want a viewer to see that over your picture or your title.

Have a good day!