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Project 01 Preliminary

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2024 1:34 am
by bumblebre
Hi! I know how late this is, but I wanted to share it anyway.
For my designs, I went with the sun and moon. My first design is the moon and stars and is very cutesy. My second design is the sun and is more simple.
In the future I may try more of a modern sleek look, but for now I took the fun route!

Sites that inspired me:
These sites inspired me because of how the drawings work with the site. The first link is more fun and inspired my cute moon design. The second link has a faded look which pushed me to experiment with the opacity of the sun in my second design.

Resources (tips and tricks):
^This site goes over current design trends and why they work! ... ility.aspx
^This site gives good advice when designing and creating your website in total.

Re: Project 01 Preliminary

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2024 11:51 am
by Alexis_Z
Hi Breanna!
I really love the overall celestial theme you have going on with your designs! The colors you chose for the moon one are pretty and fitting for the theme, and I like the overall layout of that one. I think I prefer the sun one however because the sun graphic you made is really visually appealing and the color pallete you chose is nice to look at!

Re: Project 01 Preliminary

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2024 12:59 pm
by david_wolstenholm
Hi Breanna,
I like both of your designs and I like your theme choice, however, I like the second layout better. I like your color choice and the gradient you used works really well to accentuate the stars, and the whole design, to me, just pops and catches your attention. Plus, I think the second layout transfers over well to the mobile layout. Good job.

Re: Project 01 Preliminary

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2024 8:57 pm
by Lhart
Hello Breanna

Both of your colors are very nice. The layout two is my favorite, and I enjoy the more professional photo over the selfie. Great job

Re: Project 01 Preliminary

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2024 2:17 pm
by Instructor
Fun is right, Breanna. You've certainly captured that. I like your starry night one the best. The background reminds me of one of those star ceiling things that kids rooms have. Great look and feel.

Your colors very much make this design. I especially love the gradient background. It makes it look like very late evening where the sun has long set, but there's still a bit of ambient light hanging around. The moon is cute and makes for a great framing device for your picture. Your typeface is puffy, like little clouds in the sky. Good work going with one typeface and using different weights to establish hierarchy. Your navigation is easy to see and presumably to use. Your little start buttons stand out. Nice work rearranging things between your mobile and computer layouts. Modular websites like this one lend themselves well to easy shifting between screen resolutions.

I don't especially care for the white frame around the whole composition. It hems it in. I'd ditch the white frame and let the whole composition float to the edges of the display area. Everything feels kind of crammed in, in fact. Shrink all of your design elements a little bit and add some spacing between them. That will give everything room to breathe. Make sure that all the containers around your type are nicely away from the edges of your type. The top and bottom of you bodycopy container and the left and right of your class info container are a little tight.

Good effort!

Re: Project 01 Preliminary

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2024 4:56 pm
by m1ggsart

I gotta say I really enjoy your second design the most. The colors you use with the gradient work well with your other design elements. I would reduce the size of the star buttons, and make the type a bit bigger. It took me a second to notice that the starts are the navigation buttons. I would modify the type inside the containers. It is a bit too cramped. Other than that your design is great, and I’m sure the final design will look awesome.

Re: Project 01 Preliminary

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 9:17 am
by rebekah_stevenson
Hi Breanna,

Very pretty designs! I love the use of color and shapes. Your type is also really fun. I suggest using a type that is a little easier to read in the bio and contact info part. I really like your first one with the Sun. You did a great job with keeping the layout of the computer when moving to the phone. The format is easy to read and has a nice flow.

Great job,

Re: Project 01 Preliminary

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 2:36 pm
by shasta_the_masta
These are cute! I personally would go with the moon design because I think the one with the sun is just a little too simple, unless you added more graphics/colors.
There is a little room for improvement with the contrast in the moon design; your colors are beautiful but I think the body copy text is just a little too light in value.

Re: Project 01 Preliminary

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 3:37 pm
by Perchy
Hi, Bre!!

I love your second design the most! The colors speak to your personality a lot more (It's like your favorite color is purple). It's very bubbly, fun, and overall exudes "Breanna" very obviously which is good for people who don't know you well! I'd also drop the stroke around the moon and just have it line up with the shape of the picture frame's curve. If you want to keep the stroke I would add it to the picture's frame rather than just the moon (unless you add it to both)! I also agree that the white frame should be dropped it forces it all into a little box and makes it feel closed in.

- Percy <3