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What's a internet?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:08 pm
by Mr_nonoffensive
Some of you already know me, I'm Nick.

I do lots of artwork, some of which is highly controversial and has been labeled by critics as-

'Highly misogynistic and inappropriate'.
'Completely disgusting and I hope who ever made this dies real soon'

Although, I do get lots of negative feed back, the weekly death threats from feminists make it all worth while. There is a currently a petition to shut down my work that's posted online and there have been news articles.

A local bar said that they will hang anything and don't censor so I'm hoping to get some pieces put up there in a couple of weeks, we'll see how that turns out...

So yeah, that's me. All my time is put into doing art and finding a place to put it. Here's some of my SFW pieces, a couple will be entered in the TMCC art show.

Re: What's a internet?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:50 pm
by phabegger
Hey Nick,
Glad to see you in yet another class. I thought you were done with us?
Your art designs are always phenominal. I've especially enjoyed the feedback portion of your critiques.
You don't bend to any criticism and that's where your successes lie; always taking it up a notch.
I look forward to what you'll be bringing this semester. Breaking the rules, you would fit in perfectly
in Washington D.C.

Re: What's a internet?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:18 am
by artgalstyle
The images in your link were great. I'm guessing not the controversial ones. LOL It takes all kinds of art to make the world go round no matter what you like. Look forward to seeing your web site.
