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Updated rough, would apprec. feedback

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 3:09 pm
by TommieGuy
I've updated my rough to include more 'more'. Now I'm not so sure. minimalist white, or old album?

Re: Updated rough, would apprec. feedback

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 6:28 pm
by phabegger
I like the old album appearance for your website. Though having to scroll to view the entire first page just doesn't work for me. I would save that for your other links/pages. I preferred the home page as you presented in class with just the top image. It's a stand-alone, beautiful image. It implies a special, memorable occasion is occurring and invites the viewer to click through your other links to view other images (including the other three shown). I also like your choice for background color and the use of older photo edging around the pictures. This makes me think of fond memories ...
Thank you for posting your website rough. ~Pat

Re: Updated rough, would apprec. feedback

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 10:43 am
by artgalstyle
I like both but something an artist said to me once was. When matting my art stick with simple white and plain frame so people see the art and not the extras. I like the old but of course I'm only one opinion. Great site!

Re: Updated rough, would apprec. feedback

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 2:42 pm
by R3YNO
Use the old album theme, the texture makes your design look more interesting rather than having just solid blocks of white. Also the background makes your photos look more vibrant which may be another factor to consider.

Re: Updated rough, would apprec. feedback

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:24 pm
by cheyanne
I really like the old album design, it would also look cool if you did a dark background to really push the contrast since the pictures have such light colors. Just a thought~

Re: Updated rough, would apprec. feedback

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:30 am
by sktlz1965
I agree with the majority, Go with the "old album" design but really push it, make the viewer know exactly what you are trying to say, and when they see it they immediately know the direction and feel of the website.
Maybe its the designer in me but minimalist to me always speaks dull and lifeless, I understand the viewpoint on trying to have the images be the main focus but the average person doesn't really sit and stare or look at the background content only, unless it overpowers the images... which your design doesn't do!
The background is there to create a "living" space for your main content and it is the setting in which people get their first impression and how they will "feel" about the website and how they will then view the main content and you as a designer/photographer.Your old album design, for me, creates a warm and inviting "sit down, take some time, grab some tea and stay a while" feeling. Yet, The minimal, white structures which can be good is some occasions, for me, feels cold and constricting.

Also too, as others said, try to avoid the scrolling on the first page. Maybe to avoid this you can play with the size of the images, making some small and others large and play with fitting them into a pattern or grid, and that will also keep a very clean modern look, yet adding flare! :-)

Hope this helped!

**Being daring enough to break out of the typical minimalistic style and adding flare shows that you really want to make a statement and show off your ability to not just take amazing images/photographs but be able to use them in a stylistic way that shows of your talent as a designer!

Re: Updated rough, would apprec. feedback

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:38 pm
by TommieGuy
Thanks Compadres! Good feedback, very helpful!

Re: Updated rough, would apprec. feedback

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:18 pm
by deni
I agree with everyone else, and I really like the idea of playing with the sizes of the photos. I have always liked the "puzzle" like feel of that kind of layout.

Great photos!


Re: Updated rough, would apprec. feedback

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:18 pm
by jmkreno
I like the layout. I agree with others that you should go with different sized images. This is a popular format currently (see Pinterest...) and is used by many sites. Very aesthetically pleasing.

Re: Updated rough, would apprec. feedback

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:14 pm
by Alaxvong
I like the concept of the vertical page. I would increase the size of the text area on the left because there are too few words per line, making it hard for sentences to flow. I would also consider playing with vertical spacing of each element on the left. Spacing them further to create proximity. Your content area is great though. Perfect alignments and strong imagery.