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Hello, though late, I hope you don't mind.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:37 pm
by jenny_snaza
Hello there computer-happy friends with hunched backs like me,

A little late on the Intro...but, I am Jenny. I grew up in Reno (like most of us), spent some time in Seattle for under grad (let me tell you, I should have saved my money and done this program sooner), and am anxiously nerdy in a art-girl-who-will-mess-with-you sort of way. I have always loved art and started here with crazy fine art/video art. Now I am here trying to broaden my scope.

Before I started this class I started a website: which I am working on with three good friends (it is template based so it is easy for ALL of us to edit), but it got me thinking that I wanted to do the real thing. Hopefully you will see more of this site as we get up and running!

I am very impressed by the talent in this class and excited to get to know you!

Re: Hello, though late, I hope you don't mind.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:00 am
by R3YNO
Hey Jenny! Welcome to the forum, cool website Idea!

Re: Hello, though late, I hope you don't mind.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:57 pm
by deni
Hi Jenny

I love your website. It sounds like you and your friends have lots of fun!
