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Project #1 Roughs Preliminary Critique

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:06 pm
by nunezm
Hi guys,
My name is Maria. Below are my two roughs. I want my website to express what I love and what I like. I’m the kind the person that likes a little bit of everything. The two things that I love and like the most are soccer and nature.
Each time I visit the website I want to feel conformable and at home. I also want the users to be able to navigate and understand who I am. The most important thing is that I want the site to be well organized.

In the first layout I used a gradient for the background color light blue. I don’t like using bright colors like yellow, orange. It just messes up with people’s eyes and its accessible issue with people with disabilities. Second I used soccer balls around the page using rhythm, repeat ion and movement to make the balls pop out. The soccer balls show that I like soccer the flowers I added expresses my feelings for nature and its color. There are two links for the next two projects and a separate link for resources, which are at the top of the home page also it has an image of myself and about me section. At the bottom of the page is the GRC 175, Web Design and Publishing I, Spring 2013 and TMCC logos. I think I’m going to get rid of this and add the TMCC logo instead. Next is where my email will go.

This layout is for my favorite because it expresses who I am and its well organized.

The second layout also has gradient for the background color dark blue. This time the projects and the resources links are on the left side. The about me is in the center and the picture of me is on the right side. The contact me is at the right side and the GRC 175, Web Design and Publishing I, Spring 2013 and TMCC is at the bottom. In this layout I expressed my like about nature adding some grass and some flowers on the left top corner.

This website inspired because it has a variety of different designs that express different meaning from personal life to work and so on

The second website inspired be because of how people use there imagination to create different templates for people to use for there needs

Feel free to give any feedback. It will be very useful.

Thank you

Re: Project #1 Roughs Preliminary Critique

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:24 pm
by jennybreitrick
Hi Maria-
Great job on your roughs. They are both very cute in their own ways. I was thinking because I like both of them….what if you added one soccer ball in the top one, like behind the blades of grass…and maybe like a few more tiny little butterflies floating around. Just an idea, but great work!

Re: Project #1 Roughs Preliminary Critique

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:01 pm
by Alexey M
Very nice design, easy navigation, "relaxing" colors. Personally, I prefer first version.

Re: Project #1 Roughs Preliminary Critique

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:42 pm
by mel_nunez
hey Maria! you did a good gob with both of your roughs. i prefer the second vercion the soccer balls get my attention!

Re: Project #1 Roughs Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:54 pm
by re8ecca
Hi Maria - I think it's cool that you're incorporating your hobbies/interests directly into the graphic elements. I think the soccer balls work really well, and the way you've laid them out makes the composition feel dynamic, however I'm having a little bit of a disconnect with the blue background and the flowers. It doesn't quite gel into a cohesive whole yet.

If you want to keep the blue background, how about making it a blue-sky background with some white clouds in the distance? Then it's like the balls are flying through the air after some awesome kick.

Re: Project #1 Roughs Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:39 pm
by donnalouwho
I agree with Rebecca, the flowers just don't seem to go with the soccer balls but the balls themselves are great! I love how they create a visual frame and, of course, the black and white are very striking. The clouds would look cool, I think. Nice work and what a great start! :)

Re: Project #1 Roughs Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:11 pm
by gokudera08
the second layout gets my attention i like the 3d effect the different scaling of the soccer ball gives.

Re: Project #1 Roughs Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:25 am
by mawpe
Hi Maria, your colors and shapes are really strong in both designs. it seems like maybe they could be combined and have the soccer balls on the grass of the first one

Re: Project #1 Roughs Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 4:23 pm
by Heyyou

I agree that the soccer balls create great depth in the second layout. Perhaps a grass texture as a background could give the design even greater depth and would also fit in to your theme better than the flowers. Nice vibrant color choices!

Re: Project #1 Roughs Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:56 pm
by DustDjinn
You can really see your interest in your layouts. I think that the layout with the soccer balls is the most eye-catching. I would resize the headline or pick a different font.