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Preliminary Critique Project 1 Rachel Mosley

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:04 pm
by rmosley
Hey, I am Rachel Mosley and these are two homepage ideas I developed from my 12 sketches. My idea is to keep it neutral with the exception of my logo color, magenta. I kept my font the same as in my logo that reads "MOSLEY DESIGN", to keep it all unified. The thought bubble idea is my way in showing "this is my homepage of my creative designs". The slide show homepage is more introducing a preview of who I am, to lure potential clients. I like this idea better. What do you think?

Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1 Rachel Mosley

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:27 pm
by Siri
Hey Rachel, I have to say I'm really enjoying your second rough. It guides the eye nicely, though I wonder where you would place your paragraph about yourself in it? As for the slideshow concept, I think you have a really good start, though the footer and banner seem to be fighting for attention with how similar they are, maybe try to make the footer less about the background being colorful and the text being the color emphasis?

Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1 Rachel Mosley

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:31 pm
by rmosley
Well I missed the first class, and I am seeing that I am not on the same page! haha. But yes, I am favoring the second more now too, its simple. I can always move the FB, Twitter, and Google buttons down lower and I would utilize that negative space for body type.

Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1 Rachel Mosley

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:20 pm
by donnalouwho
hi Rachel! I agree, the second one's simplicity is one of the things that drew me in to it. I love the photo, too! I like that you scaled it and weren't afraid to go big. you are definitely the main focus on your page, just as it should be. good job on both! :)

Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1 Rachel Mosley

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:55 pm
by Alexey M
Hey Rachel, I think both design are cool, I like colors and font on both. Nice header and footer on the first layout and picture on the second. I think it will be cool if you combine both these designs, by adding your photo to the first layout.

Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1 Rachel Mosley

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:15 pm
by jennybreitrick
I am totally in love with your second rough! It has great personality to it and is such a strong composition by using your face as the graphic. It is wonderfully done!

Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1 Rachel Mosley

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:55 pm
by gokudera08
i really like the idea of a slide show if you can pull that off i would go with the 2nd one but both designs have their own strengths so go with what you think is best ^-^.

Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1 Rachel Mosley

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:53 am
by mawpe
I like the thought bubble idea, you could have thumnails of your work appear in the bubble. also great logo work. the cityscape in the header is a nice touch

Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1 Rachel Mosley

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:57 am
by re8ecca
The second design is strong because it breaks so many of the rules we've come to expect from a website. It shows real originality, and I think you should preserve that. I think the only thing lacking is that it doesn't showcase any of your work.

Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1 Rachel Mosley

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 10:10 am
by rmosley
Thank you guys! Excellet feed back!