Justin Hubert Project 1 Final

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Justin Hubert
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Justin Hubert Project 1 Final

Post by Justin Hubert »

Hey everyone, I agreed with a lot of your advice and used your great feedback to focus my attention on this design. Thanks again for the great ideas!
Justin Hubert

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Re: Justin Hubert Project 1 Final

Post by jennybreitrick »

Your final layout turned out quite terrific! Your choice on where to splash color into your page is very clever and well executed! You have a great choice of imagery in your page. I have to say that it is very professional looking.
jenny breitrick

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Re: Justin Hubert Project 1 Final

Post by rmosley »

Justin, I love your use of color and gray scale with the words. Its easy to navigate through, yet fun to look at. And I absolutely love the downtown skyline. It looks very professional and clean!
Rachel Mosley
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Alexey M
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Re: Justin Hubert Project 1 Final

Post by Alexey M »

I m glad that you chose this version. Red with black and white looks great!
Alexey Makovskiy

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Re: Justin Hubert Project 1 Final

Post by gokudera08 »

The colors look great I do suggest a thinner line under your buttons though it grabs my attention instantly to the wrong place due to how bold it is assuming you want your headline to jump out first its holding the hierarchy back other then that its awesome.
C.J. Norris. Clark Norris.

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Re: Justin Hubert Project 1 Final

Post by I'mNicole »

Heya Justin.

Several good improvements over the first version here. Getting rid of the red accents in the picture balances out the heavy red from the link line and the icons below, and adding more space in your picture helps that too. The change from black to gray in your link boxes gives the whole layout a softer feel to me, but I'm not sure I like it. I kind of miss the stark black right there, because it really stood out and it also brought out the real black elements in the picture.
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Re: Justin Hubert Project 1 Final

Post by OliviasMama12 »

Hi Justin! What a very nice clean design you have come up with- I love the imagery- and still it isn't competing with your typography. Great job!
Nicole Medrano
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Re: Justin Hubert Project 1 Final

Post by donnalouwho »


You're awesome. That is all. :)
Donna Harn

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Re: Justin Hubert Project 1 Final

Post by nunezm »

Hi Justin,
I like the changes the you made. Your final design is great! NICE JOB! :D
Maria Nunez

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Re: Justin Hubert Project 1 Final

Post by DustDjinn »

I'm digging the layout Justin. The only little thing I could say about it is that I feel like there is too much white/grey. I personally like me darks but thats just me
Dustin Hill
