Project 2 (preliminary) Jenny Breitrick

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Project 2 (preliminary) Jenny Breitrick

Post by jennybreitrick »

For my Project Two website that I found to be quite ugly and a website that I use semi frequently and dread every time I do, is my Sons school’s webpage. I’m not sure if it is all Washoe county school systems that lack in any and all creativity or of it is just his school especially. But I thought that it would be a wonderful mission to add a splash of Jenny to this website and pump a bit of life into it. After all school should be a great place after all, shouldn’t it?
The first layout that I was working on I want to give a bit of the outdoorsy look and feel to it and also somewhere where the school could better communicate to its parents. My Emphasis on the layout would be the images and typography in the center of the page. I was able to draw the eye to the cent of the page by using random directional lines in the middle and the bight warm color of yellow, which is all contrasted off the brown backdrop of my sign. I added Asymmetrical balance to the layout so that it wouldn’t be boring to the viewers eyes. Repetition was used throughout the entire design and leading into the 2nd page mock up that was it was to ensure that the webpage felt comfortable and that every page had the some of the same elements to them so that you weren’t surprised.
For my second layout I wanted to tone down the Nature part of it and go for more of a colorful easy to navigate layout. I even included pictures to go along with the words for easier navigation. My Emphasis on this layout has to be the imagery scattered at all corners of this design. The balance of this layout is also Asymmetrical I used a huge black stallion on the right hand side to balance the whole left part of the page. The repetition I used was boxes throughout both pages and imagery, which seemed to give the whole layout unity to the pages and clarity.
I decided to go with a completely different approach on this website. I realized to myself that I was completely unhappy with my design and it wouldn’t be something that I would even want on my webpage, so I remade it and I feel that now it will flow better with my project one page and it is something that I feel a bit proud of now. So this will be the layout that I am going with and working on.
I decided to go with a completely different approach on this website. I realized to myself that I was completely unhappy with my design and it wouldn’t be something that I would even want on my webpage, so I remade it and I feel that now it will flow better with my project one page and it is something that I feel a bit proud of now. So this will be the layout that I am going with and working on.
layout 1 home
layout 1 home
layout 1 inner page
layout 1 inner page
layout 2 home
layout 2 home
layout 2 inner page
layout 2 inner page
Last edited by jennybreitrick on Wed Apr 03, 2013 5:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
jenny breitrick

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Re: Project 2 (preliminary) Jenny Breitrick

Post by re8ecca »

Hi Jenny - You're right, ALL of the school's websites are butt ugly. I also listed my kid's school site as a possible for this project.

I'm actually having a hard time choosing between your concepts, because I like them both a lot. The first one feels more like a summer camp site, so perhaps I'd go with the second, just because it feels more like school. I really like your use of color - it's a nice fit.
Rebecca Baumann

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Alexey M
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Re: Project 2 (preliminary) Jenny Breitrick

Post by Alexey M »

Your design work with target audience very well. I like the set of colors that you used. Very colorful and and happy designs. Like the stack of photos on the second rough.
Alexey Makovskiy

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Re: Project 2 (preliminary) Jenny Breitrick

Post by Juan Vazquez Lopez »

Hello Jenny;
I think in your first lay out you have accomplished what you try to do; I mean it looks more playful and happy elementary web page although i can suggest that you have to play little more with the typeface that u use in the name of the school, i mean it needs to have more hierarchy also with the bunch of pictures, the concept is good but... can be more dynamic this little collage. anyways good job.
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Re: Project 2 (preliminary) Jenny Breitrick

Post by Heyyou »


I really like the visuals and color scheme of the second layout. I ease of use will be pleasing to the parents that use it and it really does have an elementary school look to it. The only issue I have is with the alignment between the body and the navigation. Very well done.

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Re: Project 2 (preliminary) Jenny Breitrick

Post by nunezm »

Hi Jenny,
Both of your roughs are super cool!!!! :D I leading more towards the first layout. I like the use of images and the over all layout its for a school. Maybe instead of using the dots on the sticky note you could you use the images you have in the second layout like the house , apple,the bell, and the dog.
Maria Nunez

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Re: Project 2 (preliminary) Jenny Breitrick

Post by OliviasMama12 »

Hi Jenny!

I like the first set of layouts more- it's cuter and more "personal" with the bulletin board with kids pics. But it's reminding me just a little bit more about camping, rather than school- maybe that's why I like it though!!!
Nicole Medrano
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Re: Project 2 (preliminary) Jenny Breitrick

Post by donnalouwho »

JI Jenny!

I like the second set best. So cute. They are both really great and i do love the Polaroids of the kids, I thought that was a nice touch. But, overall, I think the second. The colors are really great! Nice work!
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Re: Project 2 (preliminary) Jenny Breitrick

Post by I'mNicole »

Heya Jenny.

I really like the pseudo-collage of pictures on the first one, and the board background you've got there. I do agree with a couple of other posters that it does feel more like a camp website than a school, and the grass along the bottom looks weird to me (like it's too fuzzy in some places and too sharp in others). It's hard to read the white text against it too.

The second one seems a lot more representative of a school website to me, and I like how you're using the colors you've chosen. The off-kilter picture is great, giving it a playful feel. I'm not sure about the horse silhouette though; it feels too random and like it's just there to take up space, unless it's a school mascot or something? Haha, I'm not familiar enough with the local schools to know, but that would be a cool idea if they do in fact have a mascot.

Personally, I like the second better.
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Re: Project 2 (preliminary) Jenny Breitrick

Post by DustDjinn »

I love your first roughs, Its perfect for the target audience and is simple to navigate for parents.
Dustin Hill
