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Project 2 drafts from Nicole Medrano

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 3:11 pm
by OliviasMama12 <---------- the original website.

Hi everyone- sorry I'm uploading my work so late, but I thought partial credit is better than nothing, however if no one gets around to critiquing my stuff I'll understand, since it is so late.

On the "other" layouts, I chose to go with a more graphic look, with a slight mountain theme in the background to vaguely represent the sierras, due to the name, "Sierra Aquatics". I kind of like it, but I think it's still a bit "bland" for my taste.

one the second drafts, I chose to use imagery for the background and the content on both of my images. I think the typography in all of my layouts still needs work, and I think my biggest struggle with these layouts will be to keep them from looking "too busy".

Re: Project 2 drafts from Nicole Medrano

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 4:39 pm
by nunezm
Hi Nicole,
WOW! Amazing roughs. Both layouts are nice deigns. My favorite is the second layout it has a ocean feeling since the site is about ocean animals. I really like the back ground color it gives it that extra touch to it. The images being used are perfect it goes well with background color. I think that you can make the images smaller or even maybe make a collage and float them some where and the text next to it. For example in the home page I like the store being in the middle as for the text just center it would be just fine. Great job!! :D

Re: Project 2 drafts from Nicole Medrano

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 6:30 am
by donnalouwho
Hi Nicole!

Nice job on your roughs! I think I prefer the layout of the first design best. I love the colors but I think a little contrast will might things stand out a bit more? The heading and name of the business might pop off better with a drop shadow or a bolder color. Maybe the link boxes, too. I think you are doing a great job even though I still don't want to buy a snake... :lol:

Re: Project 2 drafts from Nicole Medrano

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 12:39 pm
by mawpe
funny, I almost picked that same website for my choice. I like your second design more, it is more visually interesting, the reptile page in particular

Re: Project 2 drafts from Nicole Medrano

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 4:51 pm
by jennybreitrick
I really like the feel and colors of the second layout, but the image bubbles on the first one are pretty neat as well. Good job on theses.

Re: Project 2 drafts from Nicole Medrano

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:26 pm
by DustDjinn
I prefer that second layout, I don't think you need green to show that it's about reptiles.

Re: Project 2 drafts from Nicole Medrano

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 8:40 pm
by Landsknecht
I'm voting for the design of the blue set, but I agree that green is more inline with the reptiles. Nice layouts!

Re: Project 2 drafts from Nicole Medrano

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 7:56 am
by Heyyou

I think the second set of roughs is the stronger. The color scheme works well and the imagery gives the user a instant sense of the nature of the site. I would suggest using a stroke or a drop shadow around your links and foreground images to differentiate them from your background image. Very good start.


Re: Project 2 drafts from Nicole Medrano

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:48 am
by mel_nunez
hello Nicole!! both layouts are grate!!! i personally like the first one more the graphic imagery has a strong looking... i one suggestion for the headline "reptiles and other exotic animals" there is a little bet of contrast you should try another typeface or a different color for the shade. overall you did a great gob.!! :D

Re: Project 2 drafts from Nicole Medrano

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 11:13 am
by I'mNicole
Heya Nicole.

I really like how you used the gray and light blue lining on the first one, particularly around the three images. I also think the way you've set up your links is really eye-catching. I do agree that it's a little bland though, and while I know you were using the mountain background as the "Sierra Nevada" part, my first thought on seeing it was still, "huh?"

The second one definitely has a better aquatic feel to it, and it's super busy which makes me think of a fish tank. Because the background images you've chosen are so vibrant, I would have a clear container for your content instead of just those blued-out areas, because it's all kind of blending in together. I'd also really make your links distinctive and pop out so people can clearly see them.

Personally, I like the second better.