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Graphic Communications has fallen under many different names over the years, including commercial art, graphic design, advertising design, publication design, graphic arts, and multimedia. The Graphic Communications (GRC) program offers classes that lead to an Associates degree or a Certificate of Achievement. Instruction includes the use of industry standard graphics software, and GRC computer labs are equipped with the latest Apple Mac Pro and iMac Intel-based computers with support scanners, black and white and color printers, a sound booth for creating and capturing audio, and a complete prepress/print shop facility.The bottom line is if you want to learn how to create, produce and reproduce visual graphics that communicate to an audience, then graphic communications is for you. TMCC's graphic communications program teaches the theories and applications necessary to get a job in this exciting field.

Competency-based Program

You, as a learner, are the most important part of instruction. In performance-based instruction, we carefully identify what you need to be able to do as a result of an instructional experience. Next, we determine how you can show that you have learned these skills. Finally, we plan learning activities that will help you develop the skills.

Performance-based instruction offers many advantages

  1. What you will learn is based on the skills you will need rather than on outlines of information.
  2. You can plan how to invest your time and energy. To help you do that, we tell you right up front what you will learn, how we expect you to show when you have learned, and how you may go about learning.
  3. You know the standards for evaluation before the performance test. You earn a grade according to how well you perform the skills rather than according to how well others in the class perform. You are not graded on a curve.
  4. You are actively involved in the learning. We design learning activities and assignments that teach you to solve problems and to learn on your own.
  5. When you complete a learning experience, you have documentation showing the skills you have learned. You can use this information when you seek employment, admission to further education, advanced standing or transfer of credit.

Core Ability — A broad capability that you will develop throughout a course or program rather than in one specific lesson. Core abilities include skills that everyone needs to succeed, such as problem solving, communication, employability and lifelong learning.

Competency — A major skill, knowledge, or attitude that you will learn as a result of a given learning experience. A competency is specific to a discipline (such as history, math or language) or to an occupational area (such as nursing, accounting or engineering).

Learning Objective — A supporting skill, knowledge or attitude that you will learn as a step toward mastery of a specific competency. Each competency has two or more learning objectives.

Performance Standards — Observable and measurable specifications by which your performance will be evaluated, and a description of the situation under which your performance will be assessed.

Performance Assessment Activity — A statement that tells you what you must do to show mastery of one or more competencies, including instructions for completing assignments, performance assessment tasks or tests.

Learning Activity — A statement that describes what you can do to help yourself master specific learning objectives and competencies. You may think of them as assignments.