Project 3 Prelim_Kami

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Re: Project 3 Prelim_Kami

Post by dzynecin88 »

I really like your v2, Kami. It has a sophisticated, yet artsy feel to it and your imagery really communicates what the program is about. I find the nav text a little difficult, but I don't think it's because it's sideways, but the fact that it's rotated to the right. I might be more visually comfortable with it if it were rotated left and on the left side of the white content area. I think your layout supports ease of information gathering with some design flair. Something the current GRC Program website is certainly lacking!
Cindy Salyer

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Re: Project 3 Prelim_Kami

Post by gr8ful1 »

I like your version 2 better, I think the vertical navigation is something new and a good idea. I might put them into a bar or something to make them pop out more, they kind of blend into the page. My only other suggestion is that it doesn't say Graphic Communications on the home page anywhere, so it may be confusing to anyone who doesn't know what the project is :)
Kirsten Sorensen

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Re: Project 3 Prelim_Kami

Post by ariaaearnest »

Hey Kami!

I think your second design is much stronger than your first. The navigation is much easier to read. With the text box though I would make it more transparent. For your navigation I would make it look more like a navigation bar rather than have the text just floating.

Aria Earnest

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Re: Project 3 Prelim_Kami

Post by jtenenbaum »

Hi Kami,
Both designs are strong - but I like the vertical layout . Seems to keep my attention. I would flip the content as it's difficult to read sideways. Great image choices for your demographics. Nice work!
Jodi Tenenbaum
