
Please introduce yourself here. C'mon, don't be shy!
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Post by Stephski »

Hello everyone,
My name is Stephanie. As a child, my mother, sister and I left Reno and moved to France. Fifteen years later, I decided to leave everything behind in order start anew here. I have been living in America for three years now and I am currently seeking an Associates in Web Development. Once I obtain my degree at the end of the year, I will complete the Certificate in Graphic Communications.
My insatiable thirst for knowledge causes me to spend as much time as possible reading. If you see me reading but wish to talk to me, please don't hesitate! Also, when I am free of all obligations, I have a tendency to disappear in Death Valley for several days. It is a wonderful place to hike!
I am looking forward to getting to know everyone!
- Stephanie Kendziorski.

Adobe WanKenobi
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Re: Hello!

Post by Adobe WanKenobi »

That's amazing, I've never been outside the US. You must have seen some amazing things in France, I would love to here stories some time.

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Re: Hello!

Post by Stephski »

I hope you get the chance to travel outside of the U.S. Any countries you wish to visit? I will be glad to share some stories of France!
- Stephanie Kendziorski.

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Re: Hello!

Post by Instructor »

Welcome to GRC 175. That's a heck of a life story you've got there, Stephanie. I'm curious to see your designs now and see if it's reflected in them.

Where in France did you live?

You're also building a nice skillset as well. I'm always interested in people who come to this class from the programming side. You guys bring a fresh perspective to these classes and some unique ways of solving the problems I present.

Have fun and don't be afraid to ask questions.
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor
mganschow@tmcc.edu | 673-8200 ext.5-2173
