Preliminary Project 1

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Preliminary Project 1

Post by michelek »

The two websites that I picked that where inspirational. First one was eye catching and featured svg animation.
The second one is more simplistic (more to my taste) and elegant.
Michele K Ott

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Re: Preliminary Project 1

Post by erose »

Hi Michele:

I love your 2nd design, project_01_prlim_02.jpg! The use of black, white & red (my go to is black, white & blue) & the layout is extremely visually pleasing for me. I wouldn't change a thing.

I like where you are going with the other design. The layout breaks away from the norm, which is awesome, and the colors go really well together. The suggestion I have for your project_01_prelim-01.jpg would be to maybe play with the opacity of the containers, except for the black container. I think the black one looks great at 100%.

Nice work!

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Re: Preliminary Project 1

Post by Stephski »


The second design/layout works very well I think. Like Ed mentioned, the contrast of the red with the black and white is very appealing, it attracts the eye. I also enjoy the organization better than your first design. The second layout is clear and straightforward, well done! The recommendation I have for your second design would be to differentiate which page the user is on, for example in the navigation bar, a different color can show where they are at.
If you choose to go with the first design, I think the overall look of it is very creative. the one thing I would change is maybe the background, I would make it take the entire space of the screen.
- Stephanie Kendziorski.

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Re: Preliminary Project 1

Post by EduardoG »

Hi Michele,
Both designs are interesting, although the first design seems all over the place, so I suggest going with the second design.
My suggestion for the second design are to move the "projects" box to the left side instead of the right, and make the box bigger to remove the white space between the red "project" box and the headline area. Or if that is what you're going for, then it should probably be bigger.
Another suggestion is to move the "GRC 175 Web Design and Publishing" to the spot where the "Graphic Designer and Photographer" is, and move the "Graphic Designer and Photographer" with the introduction paragraph as a subhead.
- Eduardo Garcia

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Re: Preliminary Project 1

Post by Instructor »

I'd say your second design is stronger, Michelle. The first one is disjoined, lacking proximity and unity.

The second one on the other hand uses contrast particularly well. Then again, I am a sucker for well executed contrast. I also like the use of color with the black and white. The red really serves to move the eye around the layout. Your black and white photo establishes where you are and adds an artsiness that speaks to your creativity. Your navigation is large, loud, and easy to use. I like the way the document flows overall The eyeball essentially rotates clockwise through the composition.

I'd say you have about a font too many though. The serif typeface clashes with both your layout and your logo. Maybe try something like an Agenda or Gotham typeface. Also, I would recommend tightening up your project buttons a little. I'm also not fond of the gap between your main page bodycopy and the quote. I'd add a couple of extra lines to your bodycopy to close the gap.

Good job!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Preliminary Project 1

Post by BreeAnn »

Hi Michelle,

Looks like I'm getting on the boat here with everyone else, I like the second design the best. I can't put my finger on what's missing with the first one, but the black, white and red is clearly the stronger of the two. I too am having a hard time with your font choices, and agree with Michael that you should nix the serif font and find something that works better with your logo. Also, the difference in size between the paragraph and everything else is a little awkward, maybe if you make that bigger it will also help get rid of that gap between the paragraph and the quotes. Also, I like the quotes! Nice choices.
BreeAnn St.Onge

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Re: Preliminary Project 1

Post by elizabeth_mccurdy »

hello Michelle,

I like both designs but the second is really good I like the color, the type and your name. I think they are each different and well organized. The second I think it is stronger and the image in the position make it look great. I like the logo of the school in the red bar makes for a good contrast. I know you can play more with the design but I don't know what you could change, it looks good. Excited to see the final work.
Elizabeth McCurdy

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Re: Preliminary Project 1

Post by sarah.alvarado »

Hi Michele,
I am really liking your use of color in both of the designs however your second design is working better for me. I would suggest decreasing saturation on the red you are using so that it isn't as 'fire engine red'. Also, your nav bar is looking a little empty as well. I think it would help if you combined the nav bar on the right with the one on the bottom so that there aren't links everywhere and make the single one look more complete. Great job so far and I hope to see more!
Sarah Alvarado

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Re: Preliminary Project 1

Post by IvorHarvey »

Out of the two designs I think that the second one (B/W and red color scheme) works better as a whole. With your first design the color of the boxes get lost with the background, and each box seems to be randomly placed. The second design has really high contrast and a good layout of the page, and it's easier to read, find links, etc. And of course the header lets the viewer know exactly whose page they're going to be looking at!

Ivor Harvey
