Project 1 Final Design

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Project 1 Final Design

Post by sarah.alvarado »

Hello everyone! I decided to go with my second design. I made quite a few smaller changes to my webpage and included something that I had created a while back. I also messed around with the placement of my profile image and added in an 'about me' tag to make the page a bit more organized so that there isn't text every where. Thank you for all your help everyone!
Sarah Alvarado

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Re: Project 1 Final Design

Post by Stephski »

Hi Sarah,
First of all, I really admire how talented you are with illustrations! You chose beautiful colors for your design, they all work well together. I'm just wondering if the "stitching" line around the categories of your navigation are necessary. The one for your sidebar/navigation would work well on its own.
- Stephanie Kendziorski.

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Re: Project 1 Final Design

Post by Instructor »

Ah good! You've stepped up the arts and crafts feel from your preliminary version of this design. Very nice indeed.

It now uses texture especially well. I like the burlap background. It gives everything a warm, homespun feel. Good subtile use of drop shadows too to pop a few things (including your main content area) and to make your stitching look a little more realistic. The typeface selections are just perfect for what you're trying to convey, as well. That Lord of the Rings font really locks in the traditional craftsmanship feel. I also generally like the look of the stitching all over the thing. It makes it look crafted and well put together. Your navigation is large, easy to use, and blends well with the rest of the design ethic.

I just have a couple quibbles with it, really. One, your TMCC logo has no real bottom margin and looks crowded. Two, you have a large content gap between the bottom of your bodycopy and navigation and your footer. I don't think that gap needs to be there. Three, I think the second layer of stitching on the inside of your logo was unnecessary. Four, watch your margins on your darker yellow top bar. Things are pretty tight up there.

Excellent work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 1 Final Design

Post by erose »

Hi Sarah:

WOW! I love it! The colors are great, the placement is great, that skull image brings life to the page. Great work!

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Re: Project 1 Final Design

Post by michelek »

Hi Sarah,

I really like the layout of your website and very good color choices. I like your illustration in the center, very good and eye catching and lends itself nicely to the rest of the site.
Michele K Ott

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Re: Project 1 Final Design

Post by KKentera_5000 »

Wow! Very good composition type approach to this home page. It's got a cohesive design structure and very good use of your imagery that you have created, really top notch work!]
If I were to suggest anything maybe just play with your line lengths in your body copy, it might also help fill out the page.
Kevin Kentera

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Re: Project 1 Final Design

Post by BreeAnn »

Hi Sarah,

I like that you included some past work with the character that you created. The style of your character, however is clashing with the style of your design. I wouldn't change the character though, that seems more like your style. Maybe change the style of the site to fit more with your character.
BreeAnn St.Onge

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Re: Project 1 Final Design

Post by ZeraOtaku »

Hi Sarah!!

Why must you make me jelly!! lol Love your design! Everything works great together. I would say play with body text a little it just seems a little too small to me, other wise it looks great!

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Re: Project 1 Final Design

Post by IvorHarvey »

Sorry about the late reply! I think the overall design works well, and I like how you used color to give it a really earthy feeling to it. It definitely reminds me of something Lord of the Rings with the colors and then the elvish typeface that you used. The only thing I think that could use some work is the quote under the "welcome." It's just really small and sort of hard to read!
Ivor Harvey
