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Post by KKentera_5000 »

Alrighty! I've basically gone with what is tried and trusted in the world of travel/timeshare websites. My bad website can be found @ I welcome your help thx!
Kevin Kentera

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Re: proj_2_prelim_layouts

Post by Adobe WanKenobi »

Ay Kevin,

So I just spent 15 mins drawing things with the text courser on the other page! haven't seen one of those in years. This is already a vast improvement over their bleak website which makes me want to do anything but "book online now". There are a couple of things going on that I really like, the gold trim in the second design will be a really nice touch brought together with the right colors and fonts (suggest looking up gold packaging/advertising or hotels to see how they utilize gold to create a rich feel) and the fonts used in the hammock design really feel paradise vacation to me.

However you are currently losing me where navigation is concerned, I would have little idea where to go or what to do most of these pages. This is partly do to the hierarchy, sites with images covering from edge to edge have little noticeable hierarchy unless the images are chosen carefully to lead the viewer, don't be afraid of white space. Also take account of your target audience if you have not already, scantly clad women may not be everyones idea of paradise.

Peace Bud,

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Re: proj_2_prelim_layouts

Post by erose »

Hi Kevin:

The site you picked is perfect! -- for this project :D

Both of your designs are great improvements. You've made it easy to understand what's going on. I like your design 2's home page. The open doors inviting you to come in an explore an awesome getaway. Your first design works as well. Hot bodies peak people's interest. However, I would include a hot body image with a man & a woman. You want your site to be all inclusive. Everybody has money to spend, and you wouldn't want to exclude people who enjoy the notion that will be hot guys on beach also.

Overall, I like the 2nd design best.

Great job on improving this wack-a-doodle site!!

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Re: proj_2_prelim_layouts

Post by Stephski »

Hello Kevin,
I wasn't able to see the original website you chose. The link didn't work for me, perhaps they took the site down?
When it comes to your designs, I think the rough01 works best. I agree with Jared: the woman on the homepage will not appeal to everyone, it is important to attract an audience as broad as possible. For rough01, are the golden boxes for your navigation? Maybe you should consider adding an "About" and "Contact" page. Also, the size of you text varies, it should remain uniform.
That's all I can think of, hope it helps.
- Stephanie Kendziorski.

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Re: proj_2_prelim_layouts

Post by BreeAnn »

Hi Kevin,

Wow! that site is annoying!! Anyone reading this who hasn't already visited the original site, go there! Now!

You're on to a good start with your improvements, I think you can use elements of all 4 pages for your final design. There's still a lot to work on though. I agree with everyone so far about the woman in the hammock, maybe just an empty hammock would work. I think it would be easier for people to imagine themselves in it if it were empty. Overall you're lacking consistency and navigation, they all feel more like fliers than elements of the same website. That said, I really like the page with the window, I think that would be a great home page to draw the viewer in. One change I would make to this one is to make your title "Paradise with a view" and drop the .com.

Great work so far! I can't wait to see the final!
BreeAnn St.Onge

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Re: proj_2_prelim_layouts

Post by Instructor »

Oh no, a mouse tracer! Kill it with fire! Promise me you won't keep the mouse tracer. PROMISE ME!!

Both of your designs use pictures very well to sell me on your destination. However, I'm not sure exactly how to navigate either of them. There seem to be areas that might be links, but I'm not quite sure where to go.

I slightly prefer your "rough_2" design. It has a neat photo collage feel and I like the use of the top bar as a bit of a framing device. I like the photo you used for your home page on "rough_1", so you may want to make sure that get's used somewhere on your layout.

My big problem with it is that it seems a little haphazardly laid out and a little crowded in spots. I'd recommend looking at several high class resort sites with a critical eye and see how they solved the problem.

Here are some examples: ... b-bahamas/

You've got the photos absolutely nailed. Really whay your layouts need is a more defined navigation and some nicely used white space.

Good effort!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: proj_2_prelim_layouts

Post by IvorHarvey »

I think that you've done a good job improving the original site, and that its much easier to read and navigate. Out of the two designs, I like the layout of the first homepage, even though it needs some work on making clear navigation buttons. I don't really think that the yellow "book online" bubble thing works too well, it just seems kind of gimmicky- but I do like the paradise is calling headline. I think that you use imagery well to show the locations, but I think you could use an area of body copy with a solid background to separate the information
Ivor Harvey

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Re: proj_2_prelim_layouts

Post by michelek »

Hi Kevin,

The original website is annoying and a bit overdone. I like where you are heading. Not really crazy about the image rough 1 page 2 and not really crazy about the lady in the hammock (limits the audience/customer). Navigation needs some work and a little more consistent of fonts and font size. I like the font you used on the "hammock" page or go with something with a clean look to it. Spa like!
Michael posted some good sites to look at, especially the second and third one.

Great improvement over the original.
Michele K Ott

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Re: proj_2_prelim_layouts

Post by elizabeth_mccurdy »

wow the original page is horrible :cry:

I am glad you are able to change it. The mouse tracer was killing me :lol: . I like both designs but I think I like the one on top better. It looks like a relaxing place to go. I like all the pictures you are using but I would change the picture of the girl to a picture with a family having fun.
Great ideas!
Elizabeth McCurdy

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Re: proj_2_prelim_layouts

Post by gracelark »

I like the concept of the image with the doors opening to the ocean. I think the black stroke boxes are unnecessary. I think you could play with type a little more on your headline and maybe pull a color from the background image to create navigation buttons.
Andrea (Grace) Hutchison
