[Project 3] Preliminary Critique

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[Project 3] Preliminary Critique

Post by SerenDark »

Hello! So these are my two design ideas for Project 3. They are missing information currently and missing notable, required page links. I wanted to really focus on organization and spacious design with these. The first design utilizes a navbar up top with an additional "interior" navbar further down on the page, separating the page topic into smaller chunks with labels. The second design will rely on a long, scrolling verticality to showcase information.

Design 1:
Design 2:
I am a big fan of both designs. However, Design 1 is a bit plain, and Design 2 falters when it comes to showing off a lot of information as opposed to a little, like with GRC course information. Scrolling down so far might also be annoying? Imagine if every GRC course were on that page and you had to scroll really far down. There could be clickable buttons to jump down, but at that point why not just break the text up similarly to in Design 1, with the interior navbar?

I do prefer Design 1 more overall, as fun as Design 2 may be. I do honestly see myself combining them, though. Mostly Design 1 with some good bits from Design 2.
=== Olivia Putnam ===
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Re: [Project 3] Preliminary Critique

Post by susielang »

Combining the best elements from Design 1 and 2 I think would be your best bet. Design 2 is fun but I also like the simplicity of Design 1. Good colors. Looks very academic.
Susie Lang

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Re: [Project 3] Preliminary Critique

Post by erika.murray »

I am really liking how clean and straightforward these designs are. They allow the user to easily navigate through information. Your first design is better in terms of navigability, but I think you should bring in the Program Focuses and Degrees and Certificates bars to the first design. The first design lacks any kind of imagery and combining the two would work out well.
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Re: [Project 3] Preliminary Critique

Post by ktwy »

I really like your second layout! The green theme flows really well, and you organized your content in a way that makes it very easy to understand. Great job!

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Re: [Project 3] Preliminary Critique

Post by Instructor »

I like the contrast of your second design best. It's clean and easy to glen information from. It uses margins well to group it's different informational areas. I wonder how it would look as a single page scroller. Because of it's high contrast and good layout, TMCC's awful green actually looks alright. Impressive. Nice choice on type as well. Myriad is a good, clean typeface that says tech and forward thinking without being cold or standoffish about it. I also like your graphical section labels as well. They sell what their area is about at a glance. The software icons are a nice touch as well, emphasizing the technical aspects of a design education at TMCC.

I think the second design would be even better if it had some images/more color. Remember, this website is meant to advertise every bit as much as inform.

Nice work!
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Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor
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Re: [Project 3] Preliminary Critique

Post by Pearl_Underwood »

I really like both. They are both very professional. I am leaning towards the second composition. I like the imagery, and would like to see the second page of the first composition incorporated into the second composition. Great job!
~Pearl Underwood~

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Re: [Project 3] Preliminary Critique

Post by Kyler_Rose »

Overview: Overall you have a great design with both of them. Both of then are easer to read and easy to find Information about courses. I would say i like the second template, it is more visually pleasing. The Only thing i would say to add is more areas on the Nav Bar.
Kyler Rose


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Re: [Project 3] Preliminary Critique

Post by selvster5000 »

I'm a big fan of your second design, it's eye catching as well as professional. The layout in general has a nice flow to it, and I especially like how you incorporated the abode icons. Maybe those could use some color?? Overall well done!
Hannah Selvey

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Re: [Project 3] Preliminary Critique

Post by Peelio »


Both designs are strong and neat. Design 1 is stronger for ease of navigation. The colors and font-sizing lend well to establish hierarchy in the design. The graphics from design 2 are interesting and if incorporated into design 1 could add a bit more visual interest.
Melissa Peel

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Re: [Project 3] Preliminary Critique

Post by Cassiebowers »

These look really professional. I like the second design with the adobe symbols. It looks really easy to navigate and the layout is really clean.
Cassandra Bowers
