Project III - Prelim Roughs

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Project III - Prelim Roughs

Post by Jones »


Here be the prelim III offerings.

Please to tell me your thoughts.

I'm not sure why the mobil ones have come out with a white back ground.  In Ps the measurements look correct... so if anyone has a reason for this mystery please let a sista know.  Thanx!
I'm not sure why the mobil ones have come out with a white back ground. In Ps the measurements look correct... so if anyone has a reason for this mystery please let a sista know. Thanx!

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Re: Project III - Prelim Roughs

Post by Jones »

Two more... just for fun.

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Re: Project III - Prelim Roughs

Post by agostina_renau »

Well I obviously choose the fun color scheme cause it’s awesome, but the other design with
The earth tones is nice too. I hope you blow it up with an awesome font!!
They both look easy to navigate. Good job, see u at Mesa
Agostina From Argentina

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Re: Project III - Prelim Roughs

Post by tweetysmurf2350 »

I think the one with the earth tones looks very well put together and professional but the other one with the bright colors just says Graphic Arts to me. I'm on the fence about which one to choose.
Terri J. Taber

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Re: Project III - Prelim Roughs

Post by kayla.pressburger »

I love the soft earth tones you used in your first roughs! But I also think your roughs with the wooden figure go with the GRC theme well. As much as I like the pineapple in the background, it doesn’t really express what the program is. Maybe stick with the colors and use a different image? Other than that, these are looking really nice!
Kayla Pressburger

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Re: Project III - Prelim Roughs

Post by Drakula »

I love the second one! The colors and composition are very fun and inspiring.
Dana Drakulich-King

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Re: Project III - Prelim Roughs

Post by jason_hosier »

Yeah, the second set is way cool. The TMCC Logo colors really clash with your choice of blue though. the black logo would look better.
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Re: Project III - Prelim Roughs

Post by emilyduke »

I like the second designs (brown one) layout the best, but agree that using more tmcc or just more straighforward graphic design images would be a better fit for a GAMT website!
Starfish ✩ emily duke

raton de biblioteca
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Re: Project III - Prelim Roughs

Post by raton de biblioteca »

Hi Sarah,

I really like the high contrast on the third design! I find the form to be representative of possibilities in career choice :)


Rachel Cao
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Re: Project III - Prelim Roughs

Post by clawson »

both are very creative. I like the texture of the first design. I think the blue design looks like something from those high end design schools.
Clara Lawson
