project one final

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darth vader de pot noodle
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project one final

Post by darth vader de pot noodle »

hello y'all its me Juan, sorry i'm late...I have adjusted the background transparency in an attempt to make it easier to see all text and logos. if i missed something please do tell.
ill and the links in a bit
please tell if i missed something
please tell if i missed something
Juan YEETER Moreno

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Re: project one final

Post by KJX »


I like the switch board as the background and you used a good color scheme.
Keep up the good work.


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Re: project one final

Post by meekster_ »

the logo stands out much better now ! really good layout and color choice !!
~Mika Miller~

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Re: project one final

Post by missStormy »

The circuit theme is working well and I like what you did with your initials. I think the background for some reason looks muted though, maybe use a darker overlay? Good job overall.


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Re: project one final

Post by hmayooo »

This looks awesome, I really like the changes and that you can see the logo more clearly. I think the only thing I would change is the placement of the TMCC logo, right now it looks a little out of place since half of it is inside that darkened footer area, and half of it is outside. Other than that great work!
~Hayley Mayo~

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Re: project one final

Post by JamesC46 »

You can try giving the logo a 0px distance, ~10px size drop shadow so it stands out more from the background and a more opaque body text box to make it more readable. The navigation is well made and legible. Thanks for sharing.
James Chumpol

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Re: project one final

Post by SkellyboneJones »

The vibrance is really helping the logo stand out, and the same is true of the navigation bar. The background is a little too washed out though, personally. If you could somehow darken or deepen it slightly without it obfuscating the logo's readability I think it'd be perfect. Either way, excellent work!
This is Trevor. So if you don't know, now you know.

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Re: project one final

Post by suiish »

What's up, Juan. I like how you made your logo stand out, but it's a shame that the background has to be washed out for you to see it! I really like the electric blue and black you used for your website. The only thing is that I think your body text is still a tad bit hard to read. I don't know maybe it's because it's just lorem ipsum type, so maybe when you do add information it will be easier.
This is Briana Flores, in case you forgot! :D

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Re: project one final

Post by sndbox »

I really really like the changes you've made!! It turned out really nice!!
Having the design in your logo blend in with the background was a really cool feature!
I think maybe just darkening that box behind the paragraph would make the paragraph a tiny bit easier to read, but other than that it turned out really good! :D
Sandra R.

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Re: project one final

Post by Gr8K8 »

I like how this evolved! I think your logo/intials look really cool and I also like the changes you made with your fonts. I also like the decision to change your nav button text to black, it's a little easier on the eyes. Maybe try and work with your name/email to be the same length as the top of your logo/initials.
Kaitlin Wallberg

“I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
