Preliminary Work

Post links to your Project One websites for discussion and feedback.
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Preliminary Work

Post by TStone711 »

Hi Everyone!
Here are some of the website examples that inspired me:

Now when I was searching on the internet for examples of websites, I came across Val Heads and I liked how the design was: Simple. As I was making my photoshop designs, I always try to go for the simpler type of designing, I never want something to be cluttered. I honestly loved how the second website was formatted because it peaked my interest on how the website functioned and how different it seemed from the rest that I have viewed.

I think that my second website is my personal best and i think that I could do a bit more with the first one, but I hope y'all like them!
Last edited by TStone711 on Tue Feb 09, 2021 11:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Preliminary Work

Post by Hamistani »

Hello Tyler,
I like the first layout most! I think the gradient is appealing to the eye and it has a nice balance to it. I make the black project boxes smaller and I would change the font of the body copy because it is hard to read. Overall, great job! :D
Last edited by Hamistani on Tue Feb 16, 2021 3:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Heather Amistani
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Re: Preliminary Work

Post by TStone711 »

I just found out and fixed them immediately!

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Re: Preliminary Work

Post by kendall_the_mann »

Hi Tyler!

I really like the contrast between the fonts and layouts of your two design sets! I think the color scheme you went with for both is pretty solid, I like the monochromatic blue! I think the second design is my favorite between the two, especially the font. It seems a bit more bold and jumps out a bit more than the other one.

Really solid designs! I'm looking forward to seeing your final website layout : )
-Kendall Mann

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Re: Preliminary Work

Post by gavin_clouser »

Hi, Tyler. I think you should eliminate the gradient background and use a different typeface. To me, gradients look dated and big body copy doesn't give enough contrast. I think if you were to update that detail and maybe make the buttons look more modern your website will turn out great

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Re: Preliminary Work

Post by jacklyn_yamine »

Hi Tyler,
I think these are both pretty good layouts to begin with and while gradients can look good, I agree that the way it is being used at the moment is making it look dated along with the typeface used for your name in the first design. I think your second inspirational site is really cool with how they actually show a grid of columns that the info is placed into, I think something like that could really work and help you in your second design. I think your buttons for project links could be a little smaller so things have a bit more room to breath, to me everything seems a little too close (possibly also unnecessarily too big?). I would also recommend for the extra info of the class name and TMCC logo that you use the horizontal logo where the mountain is next to TMCC rather than on top as well as making it a little bit smaller.

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Re: Preliminary Work

Post by Krueckl »

Hi Tyler,
I like your use of blue colors in both designs. I like the second design best because the banner background and the button colors make it look nicely organized. The gradient used in the first design is nice too. I think it would be cool if you made some kind of boarder around your photo in some way. Looks good!

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Re: Preliminary Work

Post by ItsAllisxn »

Hello Tyler!

You have some really great layouts with your image, body type, and links. Out of the two roughs, I really like your second one. I'm not a huge fan of the gradient on the first one, the solid color on the second one looks much better. The white text on the dark blue looks great. I think the "home" on the web design version should be a tad smaller, but besides that the hierarchy looks really good. Your font choices also give some personality to your design which is great. Good work!
Allison Hartmann - Kachow 8-)

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Re: Preliminary Work

Post by Anayik »

Hi Tyler,

I'm really digging your second design. Your color scheme and font choice give it a techy feel and I think that's appropriate considering what your'e studying. It's also very bold. Maybe watch your left side margin on your body copy though, as it looks like your text is too close to the edge of the box it sits in. Cool concepts!
Kiana Bohm

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Re: Preliminary Work

Post by Kassandra »

Hi Tyler,
I'm liking the colors you picked for your designs, and I'm digging the gradient in the first one. I personally like the layout in your first design, but I do like the boxes for the bar and the projects on the second one. Maybe try combining those? As for the fonts, it's easier to read the text in your second design. So use the font in your second web design for your first, and only use one decorative font in the first design. Great job!
Kassandra Fuentes
