
Post links to your Project One websites for discussion and feedback.
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Re: project_001

Post by Mal-Festio »

Hey Gavin,

I am really like what you choose for a font on your headlines. Also, it great how you decided to change the color of the exclamtion mark to magenta. I think your second set is the best out of the two because of the arrangement of elements and how you used your image as a backdrop for your body copy. A small nitpick for your mobile version is your face is getting a bit too close to the edge, it feels a bit unintentionally so maybe move it to the right a bit more.
Jordi Cruz Trujillo

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Re: project_001

Post by ItsAllisxn »

Hello Gavin!

These are really cool! I like how you added a picture of yourself to give your website a personal touch. I also really like your logo on top of your dark background! I think that works really well. Personally, I really like your second rough. Both the mobile and web version look great. This website overall gives off a very clean feel. Personally, I don't really know if I'm a fan of the pink, I think that replacing all the pink with the TMCC color would work better. Great work!
Allison Hartmann - Kachow 8-)

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Re: project_001

Post by rmepinero »

Hi Gavin,

Both of your designs are so nice and clean and straight to the point. The white background really helps to make the rest of your content pop. I think your typography is very minimal, but expressive enough to create interest to your page. I don’t have much to suggest when it comes to cleaning things up. Maybe you could try making your exclamation point and the call to action button match either the bright green or yellow in your profile photo. It might make your composition feel a bit more cohesive.

That’s all I’ve got! Nice job and can’t wait to see your final designs!
Rowena Piñero
"My vibe is like, hey you could probably pour soup in my lap and I'll apologize to you."

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Re: project_001

Post by dearangela »

Hey Gavin,

I like the personal touch of using your own photo, that is an element I would like to do as well. I think you can play more around with your white background, it feels very black and white. I think adding a nice contrasting color to black would make it even more interesting to look at; maybe that pink you chose for your exclamation point? I also think your type can use more hierarchy and really grab my attention. I'm excited to see whats next.

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Re: project_001

Post by comicsansfanclub »

Hi Gavin,
Very nice clean layouts! I like how you made your photo the main picture of your layout. It looks really personalized and professional. I think that either layout would work, but I'd definitely play with color a bit more. Other than that, it all looks good. Nice job!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*Hazzie Castaneda*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
