Project 03 final

This is an archive subforum of the previous version of Project Three. This is for inspiration only. DO NOT POST YOUR PROJECT THREES HERE.
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Re: Project 03 final

Post by ItsAllisxn »

Hi Jacklyn,

Wow, this is an amazing website! It looks really professional and looks like an actual website I might stumble across on one day. Your home page is absolutely amazing. I really love the events and occasions addition you have with the banner backgrounds. I'm sure that your menu took you a ton of time to create with the pictures and type, so great job on that. Super awesome job on this one! :)
Allison Hartmann - Kachow 8-)

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Re: Project 03 final

Post by rmepinero »

Hi Jacklyn,

Your site is wonderful. It’s easy on the eyes, inviting, aesthetically pleasing, and most of all really easy to navigate through. I love the images you used as they really help your site feel cohesive and full and I appreciate that you added all the images of the different flavored cupcakes, I’m sure that took some time and it paid off. Nice work!
Rowena Piñero
"My vibe is like, hey you could probably pour soup in my lap and I'll apologize to you."

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Re: Project 03 final

Post by it's_crysta »

Hi Jacklyn, your site looks so nice! I like that you didn't over use the pink and your home page looks great. Great work!
it's Crysta (Clark)

i feel like i'm on neopets again

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Re: Project 03 final

Post by sal_baraj »

I love how you added pictures of each cupcake, it is different but works very well. I also like all the content you had on your pages! very well done

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Re: Project 03 final

Post by gavin_clouser »

Jacklyn, This is great!!. i love the look and feel of this. Its very modern playful and organic. This is really designed well and looks great. Good job.
