Project 01 prelim!!!

Post links to your Project One websites for discussion and feedback.

which one is better?

black theme
white theme
Total votes: 8

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Project 01 prelim!!!

Post by Hinata_Sato »

Hi, I'm Hinata!
I'm an international student from Japan and I've been in Reno for almost 2 years.
This is my last semester at TMCC and planning to do OPT (internship program) after I graduate before I go to a four-year college.

These are my rough for the project.
I was doing some research and all the designs I liked were simple and minimalistic. I believe that way, it is easier for the viewers to read and navigate.
For the first one, I wanted to make my name stand out the most instead of the picture or anything else. I added the texture in the back and used only sans serif fonts to match the whole theme.
For the second one, I wanted to make the picture stand out. I struggled with the colors of my name and I ended up choosing brown, but I don't really think it matches.
So far, I'm leaning toward the first black theme and I would like to hear everybody's opinions as well!
pls vote, thank you:)

As for the links, I found them both inspirational since they both have different styles and typefaces. The websites helped me to design the layouts better.
project01-computer.png (12.61 MiB) Viewed 1062 times
project01-computer02.png (5.32 MiB) Viewed 1062 times
Hinata Sato

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Re: Project 01 prelim!!!

Post by kelseymarie_ba »

Hi Hinata,
I think both designs are different concepts but both are really cool! The first design has a almost “90s feel” because of the font style but still minimal and clean! And the second one is light and soft, I enjoyed the imagery and I think the font style is fun! Something that can help elevate your second layout would maybe move the contact email under the body text so that the eye can move to an important element for the design and maybe play with the placement for the navigation butttons, possibly try the top? Great job! Hope this helps, can’t wait to see what you make this semester! Good luck! :D

Kelsey Bautista

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Re: Project 01 prelim!!!

Post by kaiyote03 »

Howdy Hinata,

Im really enjoying the first design and how dynamic and in your face it is. The type for your name has a very nice balance and wow factor on the page. The text on the top right for your "projects" and such feel a bit too small and could be brought up a couple points or too. The color scheme also works nice especially since the picture is in black and white too. I think you should move your name up a little bit in the layout so that your bottom left section doesn't feel as crowded and gets some breathing space. I would also even out the gutters and margins for your contact between the photo and the corner of the design.

Your second design is quite easy on the eyes with its colors. I think in my opinion I would flip the bio text and the "home" tabs around so that the bio is on the right side.

Personally I love the first design a lot more and hope to see some awesome stuff in your future iterations :D ! Good luck!
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Kai Madden just backflipped ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

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Re: Project 01 prelim!!!

Post by isaacm03 »

Hey Hinata!

Nice layouts so far! I think they are very in-line with your other work in terms of style and font usage. I really enjoy both of them, and I certainly don't lean toward either one in particular. The first one works well by pulling my attention, and I love how large the font is. However, I think this makes other elements feel a lot smaller, like the links at the top. I think you can either increase the font size a bit or choose a bolder type style to make the links more readable. As for your second one, the website is very calming and I love the negative space on the edges. There is a minor contrast issue with your name and the very top left of the image, so maybe brightening up the type just a bit can correct that. Lastly, you could also consider lining up the "about me" header and your type. I like it where it is currently though, I think it works with the positioning of your name.

Once again, this work feels like you, and your style. I think the bottom one reflects more of your personality, while the first is more your style. I love the contrast between both. Good luck on the final!
Isaac M!

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Re: Project 01 prelim!!!

Post by keatonbeatty »


I love both of these designs, and I think it'll come down to the vibe you want to put out on the web that you think best fits your personality/ design style! The first one is super cool, you break up the dark color of your background well with your use of white so it doesn't seem as dull as grey can be. My only notes would be to maybe give some space between the type and your photo, they seem a bit too close to each other, you also have a lot of blank space in the bottom right corner that maybe you could balance your design into. Your second layout gives a more airy summery feel and I really like your use of the expressive typefaces you chose, they seem to complement each other well. The only thing I noticed is that on the mobile app, your type seems centered, maybe left aligned so it's easier to read! I'm excited to see which path you take, I think these are both great designs!
~ keaton beatty

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Re: Project 01 prelim!!!

Post by YoAdrian! »

Hey Hinata!
It's great to be in this class with you! Man you make this hard. I really love both designs, but they both have COMPLETELY different vibes. The dark one is understated and cool while the other one is relaxing and makes me want to go to the beach. I think you did a fantastic job incorporating all the elements, and I love how you changed the fonts and typefaces to fit each design's mood. This is a really hard call...grrrr... Only possible improvements would be to maybe try and expand the white letters of your name so that the "H" and the "O" of your last name extend to the board, like the almost fall off, and try to mimic the same for the mobile version. I really love how the "H" is literally off the page. For the 2nd design, I would try to make your name in the web version match your name in the mobile version. You could cut your sunset photo off a little in the mobile version so that your name can perform the same cool on/off effect that you did in the web version. Nice work!
-Johnna Chism

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Re: Project 01 prelim!!!

Post by antstronomy »

Hi Hinata,
I really enjoyed both of your designs. I think they're both very chic designs and I get an instant vibe of who you are based off of both of these designs. There is good balance and flow in the first one, and both have an amazing use of color contrast. The one small change I would make is I think the font of your name from the second one would look way better on your first design. Overall, I prefer the first design personally but both are great!

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Re: Project 01 prelim!!!

Post by yasmin_bean »

Hi Hinata,
I like both of your roughs. They're very good and well thought out. I think, out of the two, the orange and white one are best. It captures the eye a little more and isn't harsh when you stare at it for long amounts of time. On the about me section on the orange mobile design, I would suggest placing the text on the picture or placing your name there so it's not an empty space.

For the black and white rough, I suggest putting a little more space between your picture and the about me section, just so there's a small buffer and doesn't feel crowded out.

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Re: Project 01 prelim!!!

Post by Instructor »

Ooooh! I like that white sunset one, Hinata. Great colors and theme there. And a fantastic image. And you posted a poll!

That white one really stands out. I love that sunset image you've chosen it brings a great palette of colors which you've taken full advantage of here. I also really like the way you've established two frames; one with the edge of the image and one with the edge of the document. The way you break the title out of the "first frame" also adds a nice touch of visual interest. Good work grabbing colors from your sunset and using them throughout your composition. The copper title is particularly strong. In fact, your three fonts are working well together. Usually, I'd say that's too many, but here it works. I especially like the interplay between your bodycopy and your script type. Your navigation is easy to see and use too.

I'd probably make that one-color TMCC logo a gold to go with your theme. Make your email link the same light font you used for your class info and bodycopy.

Excellent work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 01 prelim!!!

Post by bmeyer »

Hi Hinata!
I love both of your designs! I think my favorite is the black one because I think the layout looks super organized and the color scheme works really well!
My advice would be to switch the font you have for your name in the second one, into the first design. I think the font is super cute and I definitely think you should use it. Good Job!
Bella Meyer

:shock: :shock:
