Preliminary Critique Project 1

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Preliminary Critique Project 1

Post by NMartz »

Hello Class, these are my links that inspired me. Not only am I a huge fan of this band, I also really like their website. When you first land on the page, there's a spinning logo that catches your eye before the home page opens. I think this is clever and unique, and I like the colorful vibe to the whole website. Everything is clean and well organized. It features the colors and theme of their most recent album and its easy to navigate. I like this site because it uses shapes, type and color effectively. The font is easy to read. The site is easy to navigate. The visual images are really cool. Both mobile and web layouts are well thought out. It is a good website to take inspiration from.

These are my roughs. I personally like the second one more. I chose scenic images that I thought would be visually appealing. For the first one, I chose an image and colors that I thought would work well together. For the second one, I wanted to represent my favorite sport and favorite team by choosing their team colors and an image of their stadium.
First Rough Web
First Rough Web
First Rough Mobile
First Rough Mobile
Second rough web
Second rough web
Second rough mobile
Second rough mobile
- Nick Martinez 8-)

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Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1

Post by kelseymarie_ba »

Hey Nick,
I really enjoyed your first design because the color palette is nice and the layout is clean! Both layouts have a great layout design though! I think something that could help with your layouts would be to play with more fonts, you can possibly make your headline/name more expressive! I hope that helps, can't wait to see what you make during this semester! Good luck! :D

Kelsey Bautista

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Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1

Post by jjkusler »

Hi Nick!

I really like both your designs. They both flow really well, but I love the color palette for your first design! The colors compliment each other well, good call using white for text. Something I think could help enhance your layouts is trying out different font styles, especially for your name! :)

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Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1

Post by antstronomy »

Hi Nick,
I think your designs work well and are also nice choices in terms of color scheme. I do think the second one, while it is a nice combination of colors, when combined for a web page the text becomes hard to read. I really enjoy the first design however, I think its cool, and the colors are a great combination making the text easy to read while also being visually pleasing! Excited to see which you choose :))

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Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1

Post by YoAdrian! »

Hi Nick,
I really like you two designs. You did a great job incorporating the same feeling and layout from the web version to the mobile version without loosing the look you were going for. I personally am leaning towards your top design. The colors and simplicity give you a lot of options to play with in the future. The only improvement I might make would be to have the white bar line be a little thinner to better connect with the look of the font you chose. Nice job on these!
-Johnna Chism

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Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1

Post by Instructor »

Nick showing his Giants fandom here. I do like the Giants design slightly better. It has better contrast and I like the overhead panoramic shot of Oracle Park. The sunset and colors on your first one are good as well. Hang on to 'em for some future project or design. But that first one is just a little better.

I like the sense of contrast you've established on your second design. You've even done it without a light color. The bright orange does enough as it is. Speaking of the orange, it does a great job of drawing the eye to your well placed navigation. Great photo choice as well. A big panoramic photo like that as so much color and visual texture to a layout. It balances your content on the right of the layout. You've selected a nice clean font that works well. I like that you're using bold and regular versions of the same font to establish visual hierarchy.

Watch your line height on your "GRC 175 Web Design and Publishing Spring 2023" it's a little close your TMCC logo at the bottom on your computer layout and watch the distance between your "GRC 175" and your footer stripe on your mobile layout. I don't think you need to center your bodycopy on your mobile version either. It'll look okay left aligned. You may want to use the white for some other text in your layout as well. It's so dominant against the black.

Nice work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1

Post by bmeyer »

Hi Nick!
I like your top design the best. I think the color scheme and the layout work really well!
My advice would be to make the type on the side slightly smaller and then for your name add an expressive type face to draw the eye to it. Good Job!
Bella Meyer

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Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1

Post by isaacm03 »

Hey there Nick!

I love your image choice so far. I think both are solid picks for the design, but I am personally leaning toward the first set of designs more, mainly because I think the unity is working a lot better here. The bottom one is also great, but I think the red & black stands out a lot from the background image. As for the top layout, I think you could keep playing with different typefaces, as the one currently in use feels very "default myriad/minion pro" font. I'm excited to see where you take this. Good luck, and keep it up!
Isaac M!

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Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1

Post by nancyrey143 »

Hi Nick!
I love the layout of your website and mobile app, having the collapsible menu just works really well, it'll just be interesting once we get to code it. I like the second one, it gives it a kick with the colors you used, which I love. I would just play with typography to give it the same impact as your color scheme, but besides that, I look forward to seeing your progress in class.

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Re: Preliminary Critique Project 1

Post by kaiyote03 »

Salutations Nick,
I personally love your first design a lot. The colors are a lot more calming on the eyes and it has a basic but very practical layout.

If you wish to pursue the second design I would either create low transparency boxes behind your body text as the orange and black really don't work well together in the type as they are vibrating against each other. I would also switch up the position of the TMCC logo to be above the the "grc 175" text to make the negative space be homogenous and not be 2 separate spaces as it really breaks up the flow of the design.

Otherwise great work! (❁´◡`❁)
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Kai Madden just backflipped ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
