p01 Final:)

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p01 Final:)

Post by bmeyer »

Hi! For my final I decided to go with the black/pink design. First, I took off one font, to only have one that is expressive and one for body copy. I then reorganized it to have more of a similar layout to my other design. I tried to make it more clean and modern with the layout. I also made a contact button in my navigation bar, instead of having my email floating about. Lastly, I made the background a gradient to incorporate more of the pink and I also think it gives the text good contrast. Overall, I think this version kept the vibe I liked from the preliminary but it looks more professional.

https://weblium.com/blog/10-great-pink- ... -examples/
I found the top two resources helpful because they gave me broad inspiration and showed me what good professional websites look like. I found the bottom two websites helpful because they used pink in their color palette like me, and it was also cool to see how interactive their sites were with their animations.

My Finals:
Bella Meyer

:shock: :shock:

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Re: p01 Final:)

Post by Instructor »

The backalley cyberpunk look you have going on here is a strong choice, Bella.

The strongest piece of it is how your gradient makes the thing look like it's lit with reflective light. Ordinarily I'd say you don't need the oval, but it looks like a cast shadow in your light and makes for a cool effect. An inverse spotlight almost. Nifty! Your main neon font that you use for your page titling is working well too. Really backs up the premise of your design. Your colorscheme goes well together. Magenta, black, gray, and white really agree with each other and provide great contrast. Good margins all over the place with these as well. Everything has room to breathe. Your navigation is easy to see and use.

The only real issue I have with it is your secondary font choice. A serif font feels out of place in this cool urban cyberpunk-y design you have here. A little too oldschool for what you're going for.

Nice work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor
mganschow@tmcc.edu | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Juan Lara
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Re: p01 Final:)

Post by Juan Lara »

Hello Bella,

I really like the color scheme that you implemented on your final design. The black and the neon pink really give your page a refined and mysterious aesthetic that's very appealing. Good job!
The only two things that I would change is the oval behind your bodycopy and maybe align your photo in the mobile version so it would be better lined up with other elements on the layout such as your bodycopy and your menu bar. Aside from that, I loved how your final design turned out.
Juan J. Lara Ruelas

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Re: p01 Final:)

Post by Mars_Sink »

Hi Bella!

These colors are fantastic. They remind me of old-school emo style in the best way possible. Your fonts are really cool and I would love to know where you got them. The layout and composition for both is really well done and I cannot wait to see what other work you have in store.
- Mars Sink

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Re: p01 Final:)

Post by YoAdrian! »

Hi Bella,
This is a really fun design that I can definitely see you pushing even further as the semester goes on. I kinda love how your color choice of neon pinks and mauves compliment each other! It would fun to have your picture more of a feature, don't you think? Maybe have your photo shown first on the mobile version, and maybe more dominantly placed on the web version instead of hanging out to the right? I love the background texture you placed behind your image in the mobile version and it'd be really fun to see that more in the web version. Good work Bella!
-Johnna Chism

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Re: p01 Final:)

Post by antstronomy »

Hi Bella !

I really enjoy your design. I agree with Professor Michael; It is a very cyberpunk aesthetic that I get from your design and it's extremely cool. I like the choice of font for your name I think it adds to the design and works especially well on the mobile layout! Great job

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Re: p01 Final:)

Post by isaacm03 »

Hey Bella!

Super cool work. I love the changes you have made and the overall style you are going for works really well. The gradient was a great choice, especially including more pink. If I had to offer you advice, I'd say you should take off the egg/oval shape behind the body copy. I think your layout is very strong without it! Either way, nice job!
Isaac M!

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Re: p01 Final:)

Post by kelseymarie_ba »

Hi Bella,
I love the cyber-punk theme you've created for your layout! The color choice and header font really helps with it all! Something you can consider is changing the placement of your photo, I think if you moved it more to the left of your layout and add your name on top of it (maybe play with vertical alignment) and move your bio next to it. Hope that helps! Great work! :D

Kelsey Bautista

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Re: p01 Final:)

Post by yasmin_bean »

I love the feeling you're going for here. Totally apart from the typical modern portfolio website. It looks fun and seems to have great potential. I agree with Green, the only issue you really have is the font, maybe pick something that's a little more grunge or goth. Not to the point that it's too decorative, just so that it's a little wonky.
Yasmin Bean.

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Re: p01 Final:)

Post by lil_cactux »

Great job Bella! These designs have so much personality in them. The photo you chose goes perfectly with the aesthetic, very edgy and artistic. Well done!
