Project 01 Final ✮

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Project 01 Final ✮

Post by antstronomy »

Hello everyone, my name is Anthony! For my final project, I decided to go with my purple design instead of my green design. While I enjoyed both, I think this purple design with grow to be more representative of my interests and aesthetics. I took many notes from everyone's critique of my preliminary and changed my design around. My directory was too light before, so I changed it to a heavier and san serif font. I changed my paragraph from a serif font to a san serif for legibility, and moved my class and tmcc logo to the bottom of the page. I also made the change in font for my name. Since that is the first thing you notice, I wanted it to be more expressive and representative in a chic and sleek way. Overall, I am happy with the outcome of my design, and I hope they were just as enjoyable to see for you guys. Thank you!

The websites I used were very helpful because they are good resources for looking for inspiration and unique fonts. Dribble is a great website for scrolling through and observing new design trends or elements, and this was helpful in my creative process. Pinterest is really helpful in creating mood boards and gathering ideas and color palettes ::)).
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Re: Project 01 Final ✮

Post by Instructor »

Looking good there, Anthony.

Such vivid contrast! Both in your layout and in your color choices. The purple-blue, white, and gold are all working together nicely to provide a harmonious interaction between colors and a good contrast that really highlights your content and navigation. Everything seems well placed in your layout. My eye falls easily across it. Good choices on your fonts. The interplay between the curly serif type and your sans-serif secondary type works well. I really do like that curly main type. Your navigation is easy to see and use. I like the little lines and accents too. They add visual texture and geometry to your layout and help move the eye through the composition.

Your large white blobs are awfully bright and visually dominant. I think they would have worked better as either semi-transparent or slightly lighter than your purple-blue background. Also, your bodycopy is awfully close to your crosshair on your computer layout. I think it could have used a little bit of extra margin.

Good job!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 01 Final ✮

Post by YoAdrian! »

Hi Anthony,
I really like how you pulled the colors from the photo and used tints of purple for the typefaces. The layout flows really well and I definitely don't get lost. The simplicity of your design draws me into your "about me" paragraph which is a good thing. My only suggestion would be to maybe add another fun blobby/paint-blob image about the TMCC logo in your mobile version. I think it could look really cool instead of the tiny little blob? What do you think? Because I really like the giant blob on your web version. Oh, and please don't get offended by the term "blob." :). Nice work Anthony! Oh....super nit-picky thing, but just FYI... the word "nineteen-year-old" should have hyphens in it :)
-Johnna Chism

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Re: Project 01 Final ✮

Post by Mars_Sink »

Hi Anthony!

Your space concept and overall composition is really cool! I enjoy the stars and whisps, it gives your work a nice whimsical feeling. I would add more stars, and maybe more similar details to fill the empty space on the website. Overall I really enjoyed your composition.
- Mars Sink

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Re: Project 01 Final ✮

Post by bmeyer »

Hi Anthony!
I love both of your designs, the color and shapes work so well together!
My only advice would be to switch the body copy and the navigation bar on the mobile design,
Good Job!
Bella Meyer

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Re: Project 01 Final ✮

Post by isaacm03 »

Hey there Anthony!
I am such a fan of your website!! The changes you have made only enhance the overall style, such as the sans-serif font change. The white shape and circles present on the left-hand side are super sick, and I love how they fill in some space. Nice job also changing the directory, I think it works a lot better. The shape of the image works well on the mobile layout. For critique, I think you should add buttons instead of stars for your project navigation. I like the idea a lot, but the stars feel out of place compared to the loose form present in the shape on the left. Once again, super sick. Great work!
Isaac M!

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Re: Project 01 Final ✮

Post by kelseymarie_ba »

Hi Anthony,
I design you've created for your final looks great! The color choice, font style, and photo kind of give a mysterious or magical look to it, which is awesome! I think something you can maybe play with is moving your photo and everything around it more to the left of your website layout, you can do more overlapping with the white blob on the left side and see how that looks for you! Hope that helps! Great work! :D

Kelsey Bautista

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Re: Project 01 Final ✮

Post by Hinata_Sato »

Hello Anthony,
I am a big fan of your design! I love the changes you made and I think all the elements you added are working really well with the style you're going for. I love the font you chose for your name and I think the curvy and abstract elements around your design are working really nicely with the colors. I think you can make the links for the mobile version can be bigger and the tmcc logo can be smaller in the corner. Nice changes!
Hinata Sato

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Re: Project 01 Final ✮

Post by lil_cactux »

Hey Anthony, well done on your designs! The colors go great together and the details you added give your website a lot of personality. I think your name has a great decorative font, and that the project titles should have a different font (maybe the same as your header?) so that it doesn't distract from your name. Overall these look awesome, great job!

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Re: Project 01 Final ✮

Post by S_Osmar »

Hey Anthony,
I love the way your final design came out! The color choice was really good and I love the way you incorporated your image into the design, I love the elements you added around the page like the stars and other circles and shapes. The only thing I could really critique is that the rings on the bottom left of your photo look a bit too thin and making them a bit thinker could make it look a bit better with the other filled-in shapes. Nice work!
