P02 Final:))

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P02 Final:))

Post by bmeyer »


Hi guys, this is the link to my project 2 final. Creating the basis of it at the normal computer size wasn't that bad. I mostly had difficulties with the responsive design and browser compatibility. Hopefully, it should look mostly the same in Chrome, Edge, and Firefox.
Bella Meyer

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Re: P02 Final:))

Post by YoAdrian! »

Hi Bella!
This looks fantastic. I especially love the rollover color change on your menu buttons. The only thing I might add at this point is to try and see if you can move your name that's in the neon typeface a little further away from the edge to give it some breathing room. But again, this looks really great!
-Johnna Chism

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Re: P02 Final:))

Post by Instructor »

Oh nice! You made it properly responsive. Kudos! That was above and beyond. Certainly not required at this point in the project.

You've done a good job carrying over the "neon alleyway" aesthetic you established in Project One. It's got all the neat projected light effects and the excellent use of gradients of your static version but brings in a liquid design that I did not expect. Your gray and purple looks even more vivid being programmatically rendered by the browser. It carries over sense of backlighting all of your content. The sans-serif bodycopy and main type plays off of the neon font of your logo well. Your navigation is easy to see and use. Love the hard contrast of your rollover color. I like the points you chose for your media query breakpoints too. They're about where I'd set 'em.

If anything there's a little too much space between your image(s) and main bodycopy. It scatters everything a bit. You could have gone larger with that main image stack and had it shrink down with the browser.

Good work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor
mganschow@tmcc.edu | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: P02 Final:))

Post by keatonbeatty »


I love the neon vibe of your website and all the ways your elements are working together as well. I would say maybe move in your picture so it's not right up on the edge as well as make your bio bigger. I do love the responsiveness it has and the purple you chose for the rollover on the buttons.
~ keaton beatty

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Juan Lara
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Re: P02 Final:))

Post by Juan Lara »

Hello Bella,

I really how aesthetically pleasing your website turned out. The hot pink and black are a really good color combination that really gives your website great contrast and balance. The only thing I may suggest is positioning your image to be more adjacent to your bodycopy. Aside from that, you did a great job!
Juan J. Lara Ruelas

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Re: P02 Final:))

Post by antstronomy »

Hi Bella! I really enjoy your website, I think the text being highlighted when you hover over it is a cool touch (I don't know how to do that so its really cool to me hehe). I think the colors are nice and represent you. Really good work!

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Re: P02 Final:))

Post by NMartz »

Hello Bella, good work. I like the colors you are using. Everything is working nicely. My suggestion would be to scale the image and design up because there is a lot of empty space between the about me and the image.
- Nick Martinez 8-)

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Re: P02 Final:))

Post by kelseymarie_ba »

Hi Bella,
Everything for your website layout looks legible and I think the colors help make your design pop out! Something that I think would help would maybe round the image if you can so that it could help bring everything together since your body text-box is a circle, hope that helps and can't wait to see what the rest of your projects! :D

Kelsey Bautista

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Re: P02 Final:))

Post by Hinata_Sato »

Hi Bella!
The effect on the back of your picture looks really cool and it matches well with the colors too! I like the neon look on. your name too. I also like how you make the navigations pink when you hover. Great job!
Hinata Sato

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Re: P02 Final:))

Post by Erikatsukamoto »

Hey Bella! I really like how your final website turned out! You definitely got the pink to work with this website. The only thing I would change is maybe making your image that you have to be as wide as the line at the top of your page to create some visual alignment, but really nice job!
