Project 02 Final

Post links to your Project Two websites for discussion and feedback.
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Juan Lara
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Project 02 Final

Post by Juan Lara »

Hello Everyone,

Here is the link to my website:

Sorry for uploading this assignment late, this was my first time in over 4 years coding a site. It was quite challenging and I struggled a bit, but I feel satisfied with how it turned out. I made some slight changes from my design that I presented for project 01, more notably on my navigation bar (I added project 03 and project 04 options, as well as a "contact" option). I tried coding a drop-down menu on one the options in my navigation bar, but I still have a lot to learn. I also had a bit of trouble with the typeface/font displaying on the site, but it seems like it works now :lol: Despite all of that, I feel confident that I will correct and improve my site as the semester continues.
Oh, and by the way, DO NOT click the star located underneath my introduction paragraph under any circumstances. You have been warned!
Last edited by Juan Lara on Mon Apr 10, 2023 7:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Juan J. Lara Ruelas

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Re: Project 02 Final

Post by YoAdrian! »

Hi Juan,
This is looking really good so far!...and yes....I couldn't resist the cat video :). This stuff is really hard for me to, so I COMPLETELY understand how much it took to get this far. I like where you've taken your design by adding the menu bar in a different manner. I might choose to have all of your fonts be a sans serif to match your featured "Juan Lara Graphic Designer" typeface, but other than that I think you've made some good choices.
-Johnna Chism

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Re: Project 02 Final

Post by keatonbeatty »


Your site is working really well and all your type is super readable, I like your navigation bar and the way it's a different color than the rest of your site, it makes it really pop out. If I had to be picky I would say to maybe resize your picture so it doesn't cut off so far up but rather at the end of the screen.
~ keaton beatty

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Re: Project 02 Final

Post by Instructor »

Okay, that easter egg is far too much fun, Juan. :lol:

You've done a great job of realizing your Project One design in the browser here. Your design is clean, attractive, and easy to interact with. That top bar makes for a great framing element and frames your content nicely. Your colors are well chosen and work well together. I especially like the way the pink and the tan play with each other. In your name. Your star icons are nice as well. If the site were red, white, and blue, I'd assume you were running for some public office. Your navigation is large, well placed, and is easy to use.

I don't think the page needs to be quite as tall as it turned out.

Nicely done!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 02 Final

Post by jjkusler »

Hi Juan!

Great job on your website, you nailed it! It looks just like your design but fully functional. I'm loving your color scheme, the navigation, everything! There seems to be a bit of space between the nav bar and body, maybe scooch everything a little closer towards the top? Overall, awesome job!

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Re: Project 02 Final

Post by Erikatsukamoto »

Hey Juan! Your website looks awesome!! I love what you've done with it. I really like what you have done with the clickable star and I like how your navigation changes color when you hover over it. If I were to change one thing, I might just get rid of the hamburger menu since you already have a navigation bar. Really nice job!

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Re: Project 02 Final

Post by antstronomy »

Hi Juan!
I really enjoy your website; I think my favorite part has to be the color palette you chose. Aside from that, the website is clean and simple to navigate and I think the aesthetic is being developed well. Good job!

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Re: Project 02 Final

Post by Hinata_Sato »

Hi Juan,
Your website looks like the one you did for the preliminary work! I like the font style you chose. I think they're easy to read and I think sans serif fonts are perfect for websites. The contact dropdown menu doesn't seem to work but other than that, it looks awsome! Nice work.
Hinata Sato

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Re: Project 02 Final

Post by NMartz »

Hello Juan, good work. I like the colors you used. They go together nicely. I would suggest making your layout a bit shorter. It is not fitting everything on one page.
- Nick Martinez 8-)

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Re: Project 02 Final

Post by kelseymarie_ba »

Hey Juan,
Everything looks great so far despite being a beginner! Awesome job! Colors are great and and everything is legible and nicely spaced out! Something that I think would help your website would possibly getting rid of the hamburger menu, I think it would be great for a mobile design but since you have the navigation buttons on the top, using the hamburger menu might be easier for you! Other than that, great job and can't wait to see your future projects! :D

Kelsey Bautista
