Project 04 Prelim! Last One!

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Brady Lenon
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Project 04 Prelim! Last One!

Post by Brady Lenon »

Hey guys! I had a little fun designing this one, as you can see. I really like the design that TMCC already has for their site. So I wanted to use it as an inspiration for my redesign. I like the more simple design so I decided to keep it that way. Here's the prelims.

First Design:
Second Design:

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Re: Project 04 Prelim! Last One!

Post by YoAdrian! »

Hi Brady,
These are looking really good so far. I think I like the dark gray/brown header version better, but the green is nice too. Your layout is looking good, I would just add a little margin of space about the photo on your landing page, and you may want to make your navigation text a little smaller. It's a bit overwhelming right now and kinda pushes the TMCC and "Home" navs to a weird place...but at the same time your mobile version look awesome!
-Johnna Chism

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Re: Project 04 Prelim! Last One!

Post by isaacm03 »

Hey Brady!
Nice job on these! I like the layout of you green header more, but I like the grey color a bit more than the green! Awesome instructor list, just remember to give them a bio. Patrick Bateman's will be insane. For my feedback, I think you should add a hamburger menu or dropdown menu for your mobile layouts, instead of just repositioning the current nav buttons. I think adding a menu will give users a better experience navigating around, as they won't mess up and click on the wrong tab as often.
Nice job!
Isaac M!

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Re: Project 04 Prelim! Last One!

Post by bmeyer »

Hi Brady!
I like both designs but I think I like the second one the most. The gray and green look good together and the images you chose work good as well. My only advice would be to make the headline/page titles bigger, and then add some subheads in the body copy, if it's going to be that long. Good Job!
Bella Meyer

:shock: :shock:

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Juan Lara
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Re: Project 04 Prelim! Last One!

Post by Juan Lara »

Hello Brady,

Your second set of layouts are the best in my opinion. The gray accent in the navigation bar is a really nice touch as it contrasts quite well with the green. I believe you're on the right track with these designs. My only suggestion is aligning the options of the nav bar so they look more consistent. Keep it up!
Juan J. Lara Ruelas

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Re: Project 04 Prelim! Last One!

Post by Hinata_Sato »

Hey Brady,
Wow, you did a good job on these layouts! The second one is definitely my favorite. I like how simple it looks. My suggestion will be to make the TMCC logo a home button and get rid of the Home navigation. I think it will look cleaner that way. Good job! We're almost done!
Hinata Sato

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Re: Project 04 Prelim! Last One!

Post by antstronomy »

Hi Brady,

I have to agree with what everyone else is saying. I prefer your second set of designs as I feel the contrast works better than the lime green on white. Overall, they're looking good. I think heavier fonts for the navigation can make it even better! Good work!

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Re: Project 04 Prelim! Last One!

Post by jjkusler »

Hi Brady!

I'm really into your 2nd design set, I think it's the darker header that caught my eye. I like how you incorporated the TMCC colors but it wasn't super over bearing, only suggestion I have is to go down a pt or two with the font size for your nav on your web versions and maybe go with a hamburger for your mobile? Overall, nice job!

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Re: Project 04 Prelim! Last One!

Post by Instructor »

A couple of clean designs here, Brady. I'd say your second design is the better one.

I like the way your second design uses TMCC's green as an accent color. Good use of the warm gray in your header. It's a bit of a different color that one might expect and works well with TMCC's greens. It also is dark enough that it makes for good contrast. Your header provides a great framing device and allows easy access/interactivity with your menu. It's thick and dominant. Your design is very simple and clean which allows for easy uptake of information. Very legible.

I would enlarge your page/section titles by a couple of points. Add some space around each of your paragraphs and between your bodycopy and titles. Right now it's all a bit of a mash. I'd also recommend enlarging your photos a bit. I think your navigation would look a bit better if you shrunk the buttons a bit so the text is on one line, or added something to your "Instructors" button to make it two lines.

Not bad!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 04 Prelim! Last One!

Post by kevin_ksk »

Hey Brady,

I like your second design the best. The black and white look pleasing. I would work on image placement/sizing and text sizing on your menu bar and body text. I think there's a lot of potential!
