project 4 prelim

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project 4 prelim

Post by Mars_Sink »

sorry i am moving to fernley and forgot in my packing montage.
Artboard 5-20.jpg
Artboard 4-20.jpg
Artboard 2-20.jpg
Artboard 4-20.jpg
Artboard 3-20.jpg
Artboard 2-20.jpg
Artboard 1-20.jpg
- Mars Sink

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Re: project 4 prelim

Post by Instructor »

I like your orange header design better, Mars. I think the colors work together a little better.

The gray blue, dark red, yellow orange, and light tan work together in an interesting way. The layout is fairly clean with everything placed into nicely delineated areas. Your navigation seems easy to see and use. Your've got a pretty decent bit of contrast going on here as well. Looks like everything folds up pretty nicely in mobile view as well.

I'm not sold on the typewriter font for your bodycopy. I think it would look better as a sans-serf font. I also think your bodycopy can be quite a bit larger. You don't need the gray blue containers behind your bodycopy either. Just make the bodycopy dark against your light tan background and it will show. Just like your headlines do. I think the whole layout could use more photos, too.

Good effort!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: project 4 prelim

Post by Erikatsukamoto »

Hey Mars! I really enjoy seeing your style in each of these websites, I can definitely tell that what designs are yours and that's super cool! I am really liking the green design. If I had to change one thing, I would probably try making the text on the nav bar a little bit larger. Really nice job!

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Re: project 4 prelim

Post by yasmin_bean »

It looks pretty good for the structure of the website. I'd suggest adding more space and color just so there's some juxtaposition.

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Re: project 4 prelim

Post by jjkusler »

Hi Mars!

I like the style you are going for with your designs, I'm leaning more towards the second set due the nav structure + the green header. I really like the green header against the beige. I'd suggest a hamburger style nav for your mobile design to free up some space. Overall, can't wait to see the final!

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Re: project 4 prelim

Post by kevin_ksk »

Hi Mars,

I like your green design the best. I like how you have everything laid out. I like the menu. I would change some of the colors like changing the tan color to white and changing the green text to black.

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Re: project 4 prelim

Post by isaacm03 »

Hi Mars!

I like your color schemes here. Its hard for me to pick one, but I think I have to go with your orange header design. It works really well! I do think your contrast is a bit better in the green layout, so playing around a bit more with colors is my only feedback. Good luck!
Isaac M!

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Re: project 4 prelim

Post by lil_cactux »

Hey Mars,

Great layouts! I Love how clean it is, both designs would work well! Great job!

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Re: project 4 prelim

Post by NMartz »

Hello Mars, good work. I like both of your designs. I am liking the red blue and yellow layout more. There are a lot of interesting elements on it and it looks good. My advice would be to space out the words in the navigation area.
- Nick Martinez 8-)

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Re: project 4 prelim

Post by S_Osmar »

Hi Mars,
I like both of your designs a lot, they're really minimalistic in my eyes and they look nice to navigate. I think the green design would be the best for your project. and maybe bringing some of the grey boxes from your red design over. Nice work!
