Project 4 prelim

Post links to your Project Three websites for discussion and feedback.
Posts: 84
Joined: Tue Feb 07, 2023 2:03 pm

Re: Project 4 prelim

Post by lil_cactux »

Hey Erika,

Very nice layouts! I love the first one, all those graphics are so great! I would say the nav could use a little more aligning. But overall great job!

Posts: 66
Joined: Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:50 pm

Re: Project 4 prelim

Post by keatonbeatty »

I love your background images, they add a lot to your design and I think also make it super original. I'm leaning more towards your second design though, I like the layout a bit more and the background image. Good job!
~ keaton beatty

Posts: 90
Joined: Fri Jan 27, 2023 10:38 pm

Re: Project 4 prelim

Post by NMartz »

Hello Erika, good work. I think I'm liking the darker background more, but I like both designs. I like your overlapping text boxes and I like how you included the mascot in these designs. Everything is working nicely.
- Nick Martinez 8-)

Posts: 71
Joined: Tue Feb 07, 2023 1:39 pm

Re: Project 4 prelim

Post by S_Osmar »

Hi Erika,
I really like the background patterns you did for both the designs, they're really creative! I'd probably go with the TMCC pattern on your second design, it works the best with the darker background and makes all other elements on your page really stand out! I would probably just make the body type size a little smaller. Nice job!

Posts: 106
Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2023 7:47 pm

Re: Project 4 prelim

Post by kelseymarie_ba »

Hi Erika,
I think that you've created some awesome patterns for your backgrounds! I think that your first design has a fun pattern but some reason I gravitated towards your design with the black TMCC background! I think that its cool that you played with layering with your text boxes! Something that I think would help with your design would be to lighten your weight style with your font for your body text, I think that would help with legibility for your viewers! Hope that helps and can't wait to see your final website! :D

Kelsey Bautista
