Prelims Proj 3, Tommie

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Re: Prelims Proj 3, Tommie

Post by JohnLemieux »

Going with the flow and choosing the first over the second. It has a much greater visual appeal. I would agree with Michael that the text kinda gets lost because it is so light that it fades against the white background. Maybe a darker blue and green will help it stand out more while still retaining the color paletter you chose for the site.

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Re: Prelims Proj 3, Tommie

Post by deni »

I'm a bit late posting on this one, but I agree with everyone. The top design is the best


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Re: Prelims Proj 3, Tommie

Post by mike_check »

I like the simplicity of the second layout, but I would have to agree with everyone that the first design is definitely working the best with the imagery and layout.

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