Project Three Final Mike Catoner

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Project Three Final Mike Catoner

Post by mike_check »

Here it is, simple yet effective.

Let me hear your thoughts, thanks for a cool class.

P3 direct: ... 3/scripts/

Student page: ... mc_p3.html

BLCITY.TasteMakers coming soon

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Re: Project Three Final Mike Catoner

Post by artgalstyle »

Great patterned background. Love the way you did your buttons. Navigation is great and the gallery is very nice. Great Job!


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Re: Project Three Final Mike Catoner

Post by TheDrewster »

Clean, easy to navigate, and great bios. Good work!

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Re: Project Three Final Mike Catoner

Post by R3YNO »

Looks good Mike!
You may want to make your middle style a little wider to remove the bottom scroll bar.

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Re: Project Three Final Mike Catoner

Post by Alaxvong »

Nice contrast in color. I particularly like how your gallery page functions. Good job.

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Re: Project Three Final Mike Catoner

Post by angelraiders »

I like it, it has its own style. I would just get rid of the scroll bar at the bottom of the student work page.

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Re: Project Three Final Mike Catoner

Post by TommieGuy »

I like the total look of it --hipster in the most flattering way!!!
You did a great job on how you lined everything up, plus your choice of fonts --it all looks very polished and FUERTE (spanish for strong)
Great job!

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Re: Project Three Final Mike Catoner

Post by sktlz1965 »

It's very you! I like the laid back appeal and down to earth colors!

"Design is simply thinking made visual"

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Re: Project Three Final Mike Catoner

Post by deni »

Very nice layout! It's clean and I like that the links just display a new page on the box on the main page instead of navigating to an entire new page.

