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Post by david_wolstenholm »

Hi all,
Dave here with my submission for the project1 preliminary critique. Let me preface this submission by saying that I am far from being an artist or web designer. Please give me your honest opinion of my work, I won't get better at this without knowing what I'm doing wrong, and remember these are very rough designs. I did these designs in Illustrator and my computer kept crashing on me, Illustrator is a memory gobbler, so I couldn't use all the functions or tools I wanted to.
Rough design 1 for mobile
Rough design 1 for mobile
Rough design 1 for computer
Rough design 1 for computer
Rough design 2 for mobile
Rough design 2 for mobile
Rough design 2 for computer
Rough design 2 for computer
From the thumbnails I created, I chose thumbnail 12 for rough design 1, and 16 for my rough design 2
thumbnail page 1
thumbnail page 1
thumbnails page 2
thumbnails page 2
I also have a couple of personal websites that inspired me as I created my thumbnails. I chose these two pages because I liked the simplicity of the designs and the use of color in the one design.
I like the use of color and typography in this design
I like the use of color and typography in this design
I like the simplicity of this design
I like the simplicity of this design
And finally, here are the two websites I used for inspiration. I found inspiration in these two sites from the various other sites they have linked to their sites from 47 different world-class designers. These designers' creations are so good I can only hope to have a fraction of their talent. The various uses of typography, color coordination, and page layout are incredible. But ultimately, I had to go with my own creations. Those pages are found here: and
David Wolstenholm

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Re: project1-prelim-critique-fall2024

Post by Instructor »

An early bird post plus a poll? Excellent.

Personally, I like your first design with the interlocking triangles navigation. That navigation really stands out to my eye. It makes for a great initial focal point and allows they eye to expand out from there. I also like the relative simplicity of the design and the building blocks quality it has to it. The gradient background can be visually interesting without overwhelming your content and the designs have good capacity for contrast. The mobile design has good margins between the objects. Pretty far, but not far enough to fragment. You have a lot of room to work with on both.

I'd recommend picking one colorscheme or the other between your mobile and computer designs and make sure they share the same colorsheme and branding. It'll make later construction easier. I'd also pull your image from out behind your type. It interferes with both the image and type and makes 'em both muddy. Let's see you! I'm not sure the serif type is working. I'd recommend a sans-serif typeface. And make your headline and navigation a bold version of whatever you choose. Also, I don't think you need so many sub-gradients in your background. I think if you choose a dark or light gradient as your overall background and contrast your type and logo against that, so you don't have to put individual backgrounds behind each one. I'd also work on alignment on both the mobile and computer layouts. Maybe horizontally aligning all your objects on the computer layout and vertically aligning them on your mobile version.

Good effort!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: project1-prelim-critique-fall2024

Post by Lhart »

Hi david!

Its preliminary.

I need to see peoples designs before I judge my own.

Your roughs are well done and thought out. I see you have a very clear idea but might want more time to do a final drawing of it.
The reddish pink design has clear navigation done in an interest intriguing way.

Personally i am a fan of the first mobile design, it looks super cool and I would want to scroll more
- Liam Hartman :mrgreen:

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Re: project1-prelim-critique-fall2024

Post by rebekah_stevenson »

Hi David,

You did a great job! I like the use of color and shape in your navigation. I like the first one the best because it's easier to read the type.

Great job,

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Re: project1-prelim-critique-fall2024

Post by rena_w0327 »

Hello David,

I think your website designs have a lot of potential to improve upon itself. I think you should look at sets of colors web designers use on there sites, considering the scene and how many there are. For example, when picking colors for my website I found a color palette Pintrest that I built from how I saw fit. Finally I think it would be best to avoid making your hud and layout have a blur effect, it's distracting to the focus of the website, you!
Serena Walton :geek:
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Re: project1-prelim-critique-fall2024

Post by shasta_the_masta »

If I were you, I’d start by having some sort of a block layout as the basis of your design. Using grids will help you a lot. Everything looks like it is placed randomly on the page with tons of empty space, and I think the first place for you to start is by aligning a few things horizontally and vertically.

My next piece of advice: make sure your body copy text does not overlap your images or shapes in any way. There is plenty of space on your layout, so they can definitely be separated. Keep the mobile and desktop of your final design having the same colors and fonts.

I’d say the layouts with the triangle navigation have the most potential, just make sure you have some sort of structure and hierarchy.
~ Shasta Mori ~

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Re: project1-prelim-critique-fall2024

Post by Luke_Nelson »

Hey David

I like the colors that you've chosen for your layouts. I think that the use of one solid color and a gradient is a good idea and I look forward to seeing the final product. I especially enjoy the use of complementary colors and I think you picked the perfect green to represent TMCC.

I think that your layouts and site navigation still need a bit of work. I would also recommend making most things in your layout WAY bigger. Really try to fill up the space in an engaging way. If you are feeling stuck, try to make roughs of some of your other thumbnails and see if that sparks any inspiration.

Also, please don't be so hard on yourself. Everyone is here to learn and putting down your own work right out the gate won't do you any favors. I look forward to seeing where your website goes from here.
Luke Dakota Nelson

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Re: project1-prelim-critique-fall2024

Post by Perchy »

Hi David!

I like your choice in bright colors but I’d love to see a color scheme that compliments each other! I also think the use of gradients is a bit much and I’d lay off them a bit but definitely don’t stop using them all together! Also just as a branding thing the TMCC logo isn’t meant to be squished or anything so I’d keep it the same dimensions in the future!

Have a great day!
Percy Ames

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Re: project1-prelim-critique-fall2024

Post by bumblebre »

Hi Dave!

Based on how you described your skills and how your program was treating you, these are a really good start! I enjoy the geometric vibe you have going on! My only advice is do not be afraid to use solid shapes rather than blurring the edges! I enjoy the color scheme from your second computer design the most! Typography-wise, make sure your text is readable. Size, color, and font all play into how readable your text is. Experiment with it and step back if you have to!

I'm really excited to see what you do with it!

Thank you for sharing!!
~~Breanna Lumsden

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Re: project1-prelim-critique-fall2024

Post by Danielle Roberts »

Hi Dave,
Nice use of colors for these designs. I would work on the composition of the text and header to make an easier to read. I would also make the text bigger so it stands out more. Great job keep going!
