Jose Nunez Project 1 final

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Jose Nunez Project 1 final

Post by mel_nunez »

hello! my name is jose nunez and this is final critique for project 1. As many of you suggest i stayed with the first version. i went back and did some changes to improve my wok as many of of suggest me.. thanks for you advises!! :D
Jose nunez

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Re: Jose Nunez Project 1 final

Post by re8ecca »

Hi Jose - What a fun use of color! I really enjoy the mix you have going. Only two ideas... One, I'd change the TMCC logo to black or gray, but that green isn't anywhere else on your page so it's throwing me a bit. Also, I'd lighten the Spring 2013 so it's a little more visible. Your page has really high energy, and I like that a lot.
Rebecca Baumann

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Re: Jose Nunez Project 1 final

Post by donnalouwho »

Hi Jose,

Great dynamics with your use of color and direction. It has a very cool dimensional feel to it as well, with the layers and rounded boxes. I would agree with Rebecca about the green logo and perhaps maybe just tightening up the drop shadow on the GRC just a tad? Other than that, good job! :)
Donna Harn

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Re: Jose Nunez Project 1 final

Post by jennybreitrick »

You have such a powerful graphic layout! I thought that your original layout was great…I didn’t know you could make great, even GREATER!!! Fantastic job!
jenny breitrick

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Alexey M
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Re: Jose Nunez Project 1 final

Post by Alexey M »

Awesome design! I love it. Good colors, "graffiti" style works very well.
I think you might reduce the amount of drop shadows.
Alexey Makovskiy

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Re: Jose Nunez Project 1 final

Post by gokudera08 »

Other then the tmcc Logo looking odd i think its great the design is awesome
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Re: Jose Nunez Project 1 final

Post by I'mNicole »

Heya Jose.

Great revisions on this version. I love the spray can behind your title and how you've incorporated the graffiti artist (which I think is you just because it's your site, haha). It might be better to use a more legible font for the "web design and publishing" line at the bottom, and I'm having a problem with your links. Love the spray paint echo and drip in the background of those arrows, but the text part of your links just isn't working for me. The text either needs to be smaller to better fit in the arrows, or the arrows need to be bigger to accommodate the text.
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Re: Jose Nunez Project 1 final

Post by OliviasMama12 »

Hi Jose! I'm enjoying your style overall- the graffiti paint theme is very cool and I think it's ok that there is a lot of color, in part because of the theme you've chosen. I love how you are "interacting with" your headline by actually painting it in. Might you consider changing the grey letters to a different much lighter or darker hue? This way one might be able to see that word more easily. Great job!
Nicole Medrano
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Re: Jose Nunez Project 1 final

Post by Heyyou »


I think your layout is organized well visually. The colors seem to work very well together, and I like how you used your imagery. There are some contrast and legibility issues with your type inside the navigation buttons, but you have made some great improvements from your first critique.

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Re: Jose Nunez Project 1 final

Post by mawpe »

this looks great, Jose. It's very dimensional. I like that you have that background shape behind the buttons and body text, really helps seperate the elements
Mark Pederson
