Dustin Hill, Project One Final

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Dustin Hill, Project One Final

Post by DustDjinn »

I chose to do my second layout choice. I used a dark background to give the text more of a pop and made my text into two columns to make it easier to read. I mixed the distressed look of the letters and my photo with the smooth shapes of the cloud buttons and background shapes. the contact text and the useful sites text are rotated to point the viewers eye but on to the page.
Dustin Hill

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Re: Dustin Hill, Project One Final

Post by re8ecca »

Hi Dustin - I'm a bit torn on the leading on your body text. On the one hand, it feels too spread out, but then it does help with readability. It's an interesting choice. My favorite part of your design is your self-portrait, and I wish that more of that style was incorporated into your entire page.
Rebecca Baumann

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Re: Dustin Hill, Project One Final

Post by jennybreitrick »

I love your colors that you are using and your whole layout just seems to flow together so seamlessly. Also, your lines that you used in your layout really help guide the eye around. Great job!
jenny breitrick

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Alexey M
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Re: Dustin Hill, Project One Final

Post by Alexey M »

I love you colors and the way you ve done the layout.
I'm personally not sure about those clouds. They kinda distract my eye a little bit.
The rest is cool!
Alexey Makovskiy

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Re: Dustin Hill, Project One Final

Post by gokudera08 »

I like it but i think the typography needs a little work it dosnt feel like it fits the personality of the website and feels disjointed to me other then that it looks great.
C.J. Norris. Clark Norris.

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Re: Dustin Hill, Project One Final

Post by I'mNicole »

Heya Dustin.

I love your use of color against the black background; it's interesting without being overwhelming, and I think you chose really good colors. I really like your font choice with your titles and links, because I think it fits in perfectly with your self portrait. Your body content is a little too spaced for me, and I think you could probably size down the TMCC logo in the bottom left so it's not quite so close to the green line. And I'm still not sure about the texture in the upper left corner. It just feels like it has no point, haha.
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Re: Dustin Hill, Project One Final

Post by OliviasMama12 »

Hi Dustin! Very nice- I love your color pallet and overall style! I STILL want to see your puggy-dog illustrated in the same style- but that may be more just for me personally, aside from not really being needed within your design! lol! Might you consider bringing your two columns slightly closer together- so that the reader's eye doesn't have to make such a large "jump" from one paragraph to the next? Overall, great job!
Nicole Medrano
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Re: Dustin Hill, Project One Final

Post by Heyyou »


I think the color scheme on your website works very well. I think that if perhaps the images that are links to your projects were slightly bigger and your body copy slightly smaller, it would balance out the design a little more. Great job using the feedback from the previous critique.

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Re: Dustin Hill, Project One Final

Post by donnalouwho »

Hi Dustin, Great design. Love the character you chose. Very representative of your own unique personality. Good choice of colors, as well!
Donna Harn

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Re: Dustin Hill, Project One Final

Post by nunezm »

Hi Dustin,
I real love you final layout. My eyes goes to the clouds and then to yourself portrait. The text is easy to read and understand. GREAT JOB! :D
Maria Nunez
