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Re: project1_final_layout

Post by DustDjinn »

Its not a bad website! I enjoy your image and the over all layout but, I find your text for the about you to be too small. Also the buttons don't work with the page, I am still having trouble with my buttons so I understand.
Dustin Hill

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Re: project1_final_layout

Post by mawpe »

Hey Juan, this looks really nice. I think if you use the blue color of your buttons on the text spelling your name that could blend everything a little more. You could make the body text bigger to fill up the white space in the center.
Mark Pederson

Justin Hubert
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Re: project1_final_layout

Post by Justin Hubert »

I like this site because it is very clear at what it is for, but at the same time showcases you the author and I think the use of type as a border came out very nicely
Justin Hubert

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Re: project1_final_layout

Post by freem110 »

I love how clean it feels, The layout is well done. The type around the face feels a bit out of place but I love everything else! Good work!
Brian Freeman

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Re: project1_final_layout

Post by ekfulton »

Hi there,
I really like the photo and the graphics surrounding it, and I think orange and blue is a bold color palette choice that you have implemented well. I do feel like the body text is off on its own and lacks a reference point to the other page elements.
E.K. Fulton | 775-298-1515 mobile

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Re: project1_final_layout

Post by campbell_mckeogh »

ok nice work man but what are those graphic shapes on the bottom right?
