Nicole Hicks, Project One Final

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Re: Nicole Hicks, Project One Final

Post by DustDjinn »

I have to agree with becca the fuzziness in your name is not my favorite but the over all layout great.
Dustin Hill

Justin Hubert
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Re: Nicole Hicks, Project One Final

Post by Justin Hubert »

Not your typical web layout, I like the design for that.
Justin Hubert

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Re: Nicole Hicks, Project One Final

Post by freem110 »

This design captured my attention and made me want to know more. I think it is very well done!
Brian Freeman

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Re: Nicole Hicks, Project One Final

Post by ekfulton »

Hi there,
Well I love what you've done with your name and I agree the pic is great. I am not in love with the big white bars that separate the different types of content. Also, while I get the minimalist approach, I still feel like the page content is smooshed. Perhaps increasing the padding around the content would help.
E.K. Fulton | 775-298-1515 mobile

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Re: Nicole Hicks, Project One Final

Post by campbell_mckeogh »

i dig this accept I think you need to lose the text box and just have the text float free the outline makes it look segmented from the rest of the site.

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Re: Nicole Hicks, Project One Final

Post by Heyyou »


I think this layout is a great improvement upon the rough. The hierarchy and contrast work well and give it a distinctive look. I don't know if the headline type works with the layout. Very good work.

Oh stewardess, I speak jive

Aharon Williams
