ekfulton project 3 prelim

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Alexey M
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Re: ekfulton project 3 prelim

Post by Alexey M »

Like first design a little bit better, because of colors and "graphic communication" sign position.
Alexey Makovskiy

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Re: ekfulton project 3 prelim

Post by campbell_mckeogh »

i like the second layout

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Re: ekfulton project 3 prelim

Post by OliviasMama12 »

The green layout is much better- Awesome photo you've chosen! hahaha
Nicole Medrano
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Re: ekfulton project 3 prelim

Post by freem110 »

I love the second layout but Im not sure about the purple type I feel it gets a bit lost. But other than that great!
Brian Freeman

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Re: ekfulton project 3 prelim

Post by Siri »

I'm really liking both layouts, and yes agreeing with everyone that sometimes I feel like hitting my head against the wall. It adds a nice humour to it. Personally I'm leaning more toward the second one, maybe it's the colour scheme though the first one works just as great. For this one, it's all up to you!
Cristina Sánchez
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Re: ekfulton project 3 prelim

Post by Heyyou »


I think that the first one is much more dynamic and the colors do work so well together. I also like the proportion between the image and type. Very nice.

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Aharon Williams

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Re: ekfulton project 3 prelim

Post by Landsknecht »

Great work! I really like layout one. The design is great, maybe play with the colors a little... Great teacher pic!!
Jeremy Winkler
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