Software Resources

Resources to help you design and build better websites. Post any interesting design or programming links and articles you come across. Your instructor and fellow students will thank you.
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Software Resources

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Videos - The best design/development video tutorials website on the internet, period. Whether it's Dreamweaver, Photoshop, CSS or HTML, Lynda's got you covered. Many of the videos are free as well. If you have a Washoe County Library card, these incredible tutorials are yours for free!

Adobe TV - A series of tutorials and videos from the source. Covers all Adobe programs. A deep, thorough resource on any imaginable Adobe software. Worth a look to answer any and all questions, even perhaps the meaning of life.

Dreamweaver CC

Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 - Tutorial For Beginners - A good (if dry) starting tutorial on Dreamweaver. It discusses what Dreamweaver is and is not and goes over the user interface in great detail. There's even some discussion of web design theory in there. Watch this series and you'll know all the basics of Dreamweaver.

Learning Dreamweaver CC 2015 - A VERY thorough set of lessons on Dreamweaver. This covers every inch of basic and intermediate Dreamweaver. It also covers how Dreamweaver interacts with HTML and CSS and it comes with a full set of exercises that you can do to practice your new Dreamweaver skills. Highly recommended!

Dreamweaver CC Tutorials - A great series of videos covering all of the basics of Dreamweaver, HTML, and CSS. Divided up by topic for easy reference. Highly recommended!

Dreamweaver CC 2015 Responsive Design Intro - A basic tutorial on responsive design by the same instructor as the above tutorial series. Another good one to watch.

Photoshop CC

Photoshop for Web Design - An absolutely fantastic series of short videos on various Photoshop techniques to help with your web designs. Highly recommended!

Exporting Images for the Web

Photoshop CC 2015 - Export Options - A good summary on how to export images for the web and mobile devices. It's amazing how small you can make your files in Photoshop!

Create Web Graphics Automatically With Generator in Photoshop CC - How to use the Generator tool to export web images from a website layout Photoshop CC. A really neat tool.

Making Entire Photoshop Files into Websites

Photoshop to HTML and CSS - A great set of tutorials on how to convert a Photoshop file into a website. He uses Notepad++, we'll be using Dreamweaver.

960 Grid System

Photoshop to HTML and CSS - A good summary of the 960 Grid System and how it works in relation to visually laying out a website.

Pixel Perfect Design

Photoshop - Making Pixel Perfect Adjustments - A neat little video on how to make pixel perfect layouts in Photoshop.

Web Links

Dreamweaver CC and Associated Programming Languages

Dreamweaver CC Help - Adobe's Dreamweaver help page. Search through to find what you're looking for.

Adobe Dreamweaver Developer Center - All you wanted to know about Dreamweaver from Adobe themselves.

Photoshop CC

Photoshop CC Help - Adobe's Photoshop help page. Search through to find what you're looking for.

Adobe Photoshop Developer Center - All you wanted to know about Photoshop from Adobe themselves.

PSD tuts+ - An excellent collection of Photoshop tutorials. Check regularly as they update daily.

Photoshop Etiquette - A fantastic setup guide for creating web page designs in Photoshop. Read and internalize this one.

Generate Image Assets from Layers - A great guide on how to streamline your image export process with Photoshop's Generator tool settings and some creative layer naming. A super simple way to save yourself a lot of time and headache.

Pixel Perfect Design

10 great web tutorials on pixel perfect design - Pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. An excellent collection of pixel perfect design resources and tutorials.

Pixel Perfect Design - THE resource I recommend for setting up Photoshop for pixel perfect design. Live it. Learn it. Love it.

Creating Clean, Pixel Perfect, Web Design - A great set of design techniques for pixel perfect designs.

Pixel Perfect Design from the PixelMaster - An excellent article on the theory behind pixel perfect design. It also includes some great setup tips and techniques.

Great Design Hurts: Striving for Pixel Perfection - Another article covering the theory of pixel perfect design. He really gets into the "why"s of pixel perfect design. Not much in the way of tutorials though.

How to Get Pixel-Perfect Designs in Adobe Illustrator - For those of you more comfortable in Adobe Illustrator, here's a nice guide on pixel perfect techniques in that software.

Are Your Designs Pixel Perfect? – My Design Process - An awesome insight into a web designer's creative process. Oh yeah, and he talks a bit about pixel perfect design, too.
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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