Project One Roughs

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Project One Roughs

Post by paula_b »

In Rough 1, I wanted a simple and clean design. I chose the font to represent my Native heritage but am not real happy with it for the body copy.
In Rough 2, I like the image but not too crazy about the solid color for the header. Does if have to be there? I definitely need to find better fonts....

This site really impressed how strong simple can be. This is the look that I ultimately want for my site.

I love the interactive features on this page. It is fun to see what moves and I kind of like the pop out boxes that contain the information too! I was totally pulled in to the site.

Look forward to all of the feedback, don't be shy!

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Re: Project One Roughs

Post by Sierragirlnv »

Hi Paula,
I enjoyed looking at your project one roughs. I am leaning towards the second blue layout however but I think you could break up the design by varying the color choices of your text and graphics to compliment the photograph better. The first layout felt very one sided like it is leaning too far to the right. I see that you tried to balance it out with the logo on the left but for some reason it isn't working for me. Maybe a border or something before the text box drops off the side of the layout? Not sure.
Also on the 2nd rough did you intentionally use a different font for the "contact" part?
Anyways good job, it does get a little difficult when you are trying to balance all of the key elements as wells as make the right color choice and type choice. I would go with a non-serif type for the second rough so as not to lose the detail of the excellent photograph.
That is just my two cents...


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Re: Project One Roughs

Post by paula_b »

Great feed back sierragirlnv! I appreciate the input. The font on the word "contact" was checking out different fonts and forgetting to change it back. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts!

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Re: Project One Roughs

Post by wendy_boddy »

Hi Paula,
I really like the rough 1 layout and I think having your logo on there is strong. The second one has such a cool image it makes me want to to say, Hey can you put that image in the back of your first layout? (and be annoying like some clients) I think both layouts are very clear. I do however think the Looking forward to new horizons on the blue one looks like its floating a little. (no pun intended) Maybe its because horizons is on the next line by itself. I really love the image on rough layout 2.

See you Thursday!


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Re: Project One Roughs

Post by dboudinot »

Hi Paula,

I think you did a good job on both roughs.

I personally like the top rough more because I feel like it represents you, and it's not too busy. It does need to be balanced, but I think if you continue your background color over to make a thin border around your logo then center your buttons and move them evenly across the entire top section, you could achieve pretty good balance. I also really like the type face you chose for this rough; it goes well with the color scheme.
Dominique Boudinot

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Re: Project One Roughs

Post by ElizabethBrass »

Hi Paula,

These are both great roughs and I think they both represent you. If you were to go with the second one could you try putting your logo into it either above or below your name. For the body copy try a clean san serif to compliment the soft headline type. Great job representing you!

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Re: Project One Roughs

Post by Instructor »

Hm. Got a couple of nice designs here.

I like your second design, though you beat me to my two biggest critiques on it. We'll address your problems with it in a moment.

The second design is a good, easy to read and navigate layout, that's nicely framed and has good presentational space for whatever information you want to display in it.

We both share the same critiques of the design. One, the type is all wrong. I would try a nice clean sans-serif type like Helvetica and see how that looks. If that's too cold and you want to warm it up, try a serif typeface like Garamond. Also, make sure your navigation button type is all the same size. Two, the header and footer color. Try black on the header and footer. Let them function as scrapbook style frames of your picture. Also, shrink the header while you're at it. You have nothing up there so make it the same height as your footer.

You've got yourself a good start here. Build on it.
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project One Roughs

Post by Miasera »

Hi Paula.

You've got a good start to both designs here, the first one in particular. The logo stands boldly next to the main body, and it has a calm, if serious feel to it. However, it could do with more diversity with it should you choose this layout. As it is right now, it seems too simple and the navigation could stand out more from where it is.

As for the second layout, it's got a good color scheme going and if you could balance the header, body, and footer more it'd work that much better. Right now, the header seems to take up too much of the design for having nothing across it while the footer is almost lost. I do agree with finding other fonts to work with, but overall you're off to a good start.
Cristina Sánchez
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Re: Project One Roughs

Post by lingling_chen »

I like your rough 2 more, I agree with the suggestion about the fonts form the other people. If I were you, I think I would use yellow color for fonts, I personally feel that yellow is nice color on blue,Warm color are good on cool color……what do you think?
I like your design with your first letter of your name on your rough 1, it is unique.
Good job,Paula.

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Re: Project One Roughs

Post by ryansegal »


Your first design definitely gives off a timeless vibe, but to me it feels Greek or Roman because of the stone texture. I think that it might benefit from a little bit lighter background, because as it is the black doesn't really coincide with the earthy color. You might also think about using a serif font to help achieve that timeless look as well.

For the second rough, I do think that the blue bar above the navigation is helpful. It helps move the navigation a little bit further down so that it's not crammed up at the top of the page. I agree that your typefaces could be better, but I think the color you chose for them works nicely.

Good start--looking forward to the final critique!
Ryan Segal
Radical Boy on a Mission
